A series of 3 dreams that gave me hope.

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Posts: 153
Joined: 10 Feb 2016
Location: Australia

15 Mar 2017

I've had 3 dreams In all 3 I was with my solemate, I met her about 8 years ago and it took some time to tell her "You are my soulmate" she was fine with it and so much happened, she is still a part of my life even though she is living 1 state away from me.

I miss her around, I go where we would meet up to tell her something because there are days I've forgot she's moved away. (I told her that and she said misses me)

She's a Dj and I been having these dreams about her getting famous and me i'm there and the last dream ment something to me.

1st Dream, my soul mate is djing at a race course and she got into an argument with a friend and she wanted me to take over the Dj Decks and I was doing alright, but then the dj decks stopped working and I paniced and tried to find her and ended up meeting a girl who took me to a room full of people learning to DJ. Haha.

Dream 2. I'm in a field and there are lots of people around me then my soulmate comes down from the sky in helicopter there's this thing shaped like a high heel and it drops down and it's a massive stage and my soul mate is Djing and her friend is Rapping and the crowd is dancing like crazy, they got this girl to control the mixer and i'm cut it's not me doing that, my soulmate tells me alot has changed in mixing and I got to know about stage lighting too.

I'm like fair enough, they probably wanna be an all girl group.

Dream 3. My soulmate is beside me and she's got the Dj decks on so a Hip-Hop beat is playing, she handed me a page with one word phrases on it and said I could write a good rap if I used all those words.

I'm Rapping and she is smiling and laughing and we had a blast just like we used too.I quit Rapping, I feel I can't be good at both Rapping and producing beats and in doing so I lost a few friends who I used to Rap with. (That's mad me sad) Thinking this dream is telling me, don't walk away on rap just yet.


15 Mar 2017

I'm jealous that you have such musical dreams that can possibly reveal things to you about your craft. My dreams are strange and unnerving although that probably inadvertently inspires me. I had a pretty horrific dream last night that I won't bother posting.

Along the same line, I quit making beats for the hip hop homies because I wanted to go deeper into my craft. Producing music with another artist in mind, keeping things relatively simple, having to arrange things a certain way and leaving space for vocals is totally different from doing whatever I want with the techno-inspired electronica I make now. I still have one of my last rapper contacts hit me up periodically with some vocals that he wants another beat for as opposed to his mixtape production but I had to tell him straight up a couple weeks ago that I just don't feel rap and hip hop anymore. This is the nature of the rabbit hole.

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Location: Australia

16 Mar 2017

I have the right circle of friends around me who would embrace and even support and collaborate with me if I was to got into taking Rap serious.

This was the year I planned to leave Rap behind me and up the tempo BPM wise and so I've been creating Drum & Bass and 1 of my long-term goals was to have a Drum & Bass EP for sale at the end of this year. Why Drum & Bass? I want to challenge myself and get out of my comfort zone. Like you, I don't really feel Hip-Hop anymore. Maybe I should, but do I just because of a dream? If it could bring the people I miss back into my life I will in a heart beat because the hard truth is I miss Rapping with my buddies, I just feel like been a Rapper is an old goal and i've been there and done that.

I just hate when I rap, because I feel I'm trying to be something I'm not most the time.


16 Mar 2017

yeahright31 wrote:I just hate when I rap, because I feel I'm trying to be something I'm not most the time.
This is the case with most rap music in my opinion. I remember I had a rapper friend over for a session and he was flashing hundred dollar bills as he took video of himself. The money came from his income tax return. :lol:

Posts: 153
Joined: 10 Feb 2016
Location: Australia

17 Mar 2017

Yeah Peter I've had my fair share of negative experiences collaborating with others on music.
I used to have a very inspiring circle in the start, although if it where the other way around I never would of have got into producing music. :reason:

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