What Reason really is...

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21 Sep 2016

After much thought and mixing a project on Reason earlier this year I've finally settled on what Reason is to me. I've been using it since 4 and to me Reason is what it was in the beginning an amazing place for synth based production. The amount of Synth RE we've gotten, Antidote, Expanse, Zero, Predator, Parsec, The Legend, and on and on just proves that this platform does synths better than anything else. How many different Pianos or Stringed Instruments have we got in that time? How many different DeEssers have we even gotten? Not much. That's fine though. It really is. For me it appears Reason specializes in synth production and I accept that. I will certainly need to use another DAW if I want real instrument sounds or to mix a project. The amount of different style plugins for mixing in the VST world that arent available in Reason proved to me I was better served mixing elsewhere. That's fine though. I love Reason for what it is. I love the synths, ReDrum and Kong and a lot of the RE fx which help in track production. Every week there seems to be a new wonderful synth RE and that's awesome. Its a synth and sound design platform and kind of began as such.

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21 Sep 2016

I have a awsome piano refill, the Drummer Bundle, horns, string synths and refills, orchestra RE and refills, voice pitching editor, guitar amps, several deesser, compressor, limiter, vocoders, guitar synths...............

I dont know what Reason you are using, but mine is capable of more than making EDM or programming a synth...
Reason12, Win10

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21 Sep 2016

Selig's DeEsser really is the only DeEsser you will ever need. I really can't think of any VST plugin which makes DeEssing easier :)

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21 Sep 2016

Dave909 wrote:Selig's DeEsser really is the only DeEsser you will ever need. I really can't think of any VST plugin which makes DeEssing easier :)
I have it too and it does the job perfectly, hello Dave! :cool:

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21 Sep 2016

I don't need a DeEsser. I have a lisp as it is. I need an Esser.
Jon Heal:reason: :re: :refill:Do not click this link!

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21 Sep 2016

It's great how many cool synths we've been seeing, but the lack of IDT attention from the developers who are creating amazing Kontakt instrument libraries is really, seriously disappointing. Yes, we have some very nice-sounding ReFill options, but there's no equivalent of the degree of playability and realism you get in a lot of modern Kontakt libraries. Impact Soundworks is my usual go-to example, but they're just one of many who could be bringing their detailed scripted instruments to Reason. (No, their stripped-down ReFill releases aren't equivalent.)

This is by far the biggest deficiency in Reason right now, IMO, and the one thing that keeps nagging at me and making me wonder if I ought to bite the bullet and invest my time and money in another DAW, even though I really don't want to.
Sarah Mancuso
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21 Sep 2016

What brand of strings do you use on your ableton? Do you go prefer steel or nylon?
@pushedbutton on twitter, add me, send me a message, but don't try to sell me stuff cos I'm skint.
Using Reason since version 3 and still never finished a song.

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21 Sep 2016

I use Reason more for mixing that for synth based productions. This is merely because I love making microtonal music. Thor, NN-XT, Parsec and some other synths have this "Kbd"-knobs on their oszillators and I made myself some workarounds using CV-controlled pitch-bend but I would love to see the option for loading .tun-files in Reason.

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21 Sep 2016

jonheal wrote:I don't need a DeEsser. I have a lisp as it is. I need an Esser.
Add Selig deesser, grab the ssssss, make it louder and mix it back :-)
Reason12, Win10

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21 Sep 2016

This exactly was my reason for getting into Studio One. Reason is capable of being used in multiple genres of music, but it excels at the synthetic ones. Real instruments aren't its forte due to the limits of NNXT and the current RE SDK. There are so many better options for real instruments outside of Reason. Some of them are even free.

Same thing with fx for mixing. So many more options that are available for cheap or even free. And then the mixing workflow in reason is a little too realistic to real outboard processing which causes it to have a slower workflow with recording and mixing than with other DAWs unless you only use the SSL.

I used to be a "all in Reason" guy, but that makes no sense unless it really covers all your needs. Simply just use what works for you for the purposes you need. I use Studio One for realistic instruments and general engineering tasks. I have Komplete 10, but I still make better synth based stuff in Reason with the stock instruments and some refills.

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21 Sep 2016

I'm very very happy with Synths, :)

12 GB for a flute. i don't like that

I only use drums samples

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21 Sep 2016

sdst wrote:I'm very very happy with Synths, :)

12 GB for a flute. i don't like that

I only use drums samples
I'm with you ... sampled flutes 10 years ago did nearly the same job and today's 12 GB flute can only sound realistic if you know how to play a flute ... and then it's easier to record your own performance than to mess around with samples ;)

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21 Sep 2016

JerrelTheKing wrote:After much thought and mixing a project on Reason earlier this year I've finally settled on what Reason is to me. I've been using it since 4 and to me Reason is what it was in the beginning an amazing place for synth based production. The amount of Synth RE we've gotten, Antidote, Expanse, Zero, Predator, Parsec, The Legend, and on and on just proves that this platform does synths better than anything else..
See now, as a guitarist (both bass and acoustic electric), I have to disagree with you there. Reason, in its current form, is perfectly suited to singer-songwriters that use traditional instruments as well. If you've got a decent mic and audio interface, there's nothing it can't handle.

I mean, it does synth great as well, but I use it to record guitar and vocals all of the time. And I've used it to record live percussion. There's a metric shit ton of RE's that are perfectly suited - nay - perfectly made - for recording this way as well, IMHO.

That said, does it have a long list of things that its lacking? Of course! But, horses for courses and all that...
Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 12 | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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22 Sep 2016

@QVProd you get it. the amount of waves plugins that have no Reason equal is astonishing. also the amount of real instruments available not to mention the quality in VST form.

@EnochLight In the case you mention I can see where it can be great. I get that. If you're bringing live instruments in to the rack its perfect. My point is about from 1. a virtual intsrument perspective Reason does synths very well and has since the beginning for the most part. When other companies moved past Thor it took Reason a long time to introduce RE and build back its strong suite but it did eventually.

Selig DeEsser is great. The point isnt about that. The point is about the limitations or lack of thorough investment that almost every other function in Reason has except the Synths department. We get great new Reason boundary pushing Synths monthly it seems. Substitute DeEsser for Neptune and you get the point. Its fine this isnt a bash post. I will always use this program because I love it and I love programming my drum samples with Kong and ReDrum. I have many of these synth RE I speak of. But for Pianos there is no Refill that comes close to Keyscapes or the sort.

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22 Sep 2016

reason is tops
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22 Sep 2016

There are a lot of DeEssing options in stock Reason when you dig about, but Selig DeEsser is my 'go to'. As for Piano, I mean how many do you need? I believe Reason has pianos pretty much well covered in both Re and Refill form. A friend of mine is a hell of a pianist, he adores and swears by the reason pianos refill. I recall him spending a couple of grand on an electric piano a few years back - He now uses it more as a controller than for it's onboard piano sounds. To me, that must say a lot for the reason pianos refill. Personally I'm not very interested in pianos, but I've heard him playing some patches from that Re and it's goose bump inducing stuff!

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22 Sep 2016

@Xyster huh what are all these stock DeEssers in Reason?? As far as Pianos you need more than one high quality choice thats for sure. The overall point is that Synths are Reason's strongest suit by very far. There are more synths than anything else, they constantly come out, and the Synth department as a whole are of higher quality than anything else offered. That's the point its not really disputable stroll through the shop. Even this forum gets more comments and praise for the latest synth release than anything else. To me its more DSW (Digital Synth Workstation) than DAW.

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22 Sep 2016

JerrelTheKing wrote:@Xyster huh what are all these stock DeEssers in Reason??
Have you bothered strolling through the Factory Soundbank at all? There's a stock de-esser Combinator that's been in Reason for the better part of 6-7 years (funny enough, I think it was made by Selig - who now makes the best De-Esser RE available in Reason). You can also de-ess manually by sidechaining in Reason's [SSL-based] mixer. 'Cause, you know - it's great for standard audio recording, especially vocals. ;)
JerrelTheKing wrote: To me its more DSW (Digital Synth Workstation) than DAW.
Well, there's a saying... "can't see the forest for the trees". ;) I suppose the tools we choose are various things to us. To you, Reason doesn't feel like a DAW. To many of us, it's most certainly a DAW. Does it have things that it is missing?? Absolutely - but that doesn't make it any less of one thing, IMHO.

I find it interesting that you seem to feel that it lacking sample-based instruments (which are synthetic by nature) makes it less a DAW, but more a synthesis workstation. To me, that just means it's lacking sample-based instruments. No more, no less. And yes, I know you mean synthesizers. It's the vernacular that I find odd. Virtual instruments.. every single thing in Reason and every other DAW on the market are all virtual instruments! Just say'n...

Win 10 | Ableton Live 11 Suite |  Reason 12 | i7 3770k @ 3.5 Ghz | 16 GB RAM | RME Babyface Pro | Akai MPC Live 2 & Akai Force | Roland System 8, MX1, TB3 | Dreadbox Typhon | Korg Minilogue XD

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23 Sep 2016

I love Reason, I don't think it will ever not be a part of my life. Funny because I've tried to not use it, considered never using it again, only to miss it and then I gain a deeper understanding of why I love using Reason so much.

Every time I read about a person throwing in the towel on Reason it makes me smile, because heck I've tried to get it out of my life as well at various points. Although it calls me back and I find it's the approach to what I'd aim to achieve that changes.

I started with Reason 4 and look here I am using Reason 8, I've considered updating to Reason 9 a few times, It's just I use one of those new Mac Mini where Apple decided it's customers shouldn't have the option to upgrade their ram so let's solder it. Yeah good idea Barry (That will fuck 'em)...So here I am stuck with 4 Gig Ram as RE becomes more demanding on CPU. :reason:

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23 Sep 2016

Totally agree with JerrelTheKing
Great synth platform - particularly with all these CV modulation capabilities and variety of synth REs. Plus new player devices - that's cool addition to synths.

But for everything else it is behind other DAWs+VSTs (sampled based Kontakt libs mentioned here - latest stuff from Output, Komplete etc, synths and samplers, mixing and mastering plugins). It is great to see new stuff coming into Reason like Khs new REs. I just wish some of the big players like Waves come to RE platform...

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23 Sep 2016

For me Reason is a compelete virtual studio and when people always claim how other DAWs do this and that and other,,, I think Ok, they sure may do, but I can turn this whole thing upside down and say how Reason is ahead for it's own strengths. One thing is, I don't feel as powerful when I try other DAWs, because I'm used to this very powerful feel to it when using Reason. There's almost nothing missing in Reason nowdays that would radically stop you to make professional music. But yeah, the real instrument REs - i.e. one for every instruments (flute, sax etc.) would be welcome indeed.

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23 Sep 2016

deepndark wrote:For me Reason is a compelete virtual studio and when people always claim how other DAWs do this and that and other,,, I think Ok, they sure may do, but I can turn this whole thing upside down and say how Reason is ahead for it's own strengths. One thing is, I don't feel as powerful when I try other DAWs, because I'm used to this very powerful feel to it when using Reason. There's almost nothing missing in Reason nowdays that would radically stop you to make professional music. But yeah, the real instrument REs - i.e. one for every instruments (flute, sax etc.) would be welcome indeed.
Workflow counts! :thumbs_up:

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24 Sep 2016

Reading some of these are funny. Did I ever say I was giving up on Reason? Nope. Did I ever see Reason offered nothing for mixing? Nope. Did I ever say Reason had no sample based instruments at all? Nope. I did say that of all the things Reason does Synths has always been its strongest suit and the continual frequency of newer better synths in each RE release proves that. It isnt debatable. Tell me another thing be it Pianos, or Strings, or studio fx that continually up the ante for its category with every release. I personally love Reason. The workflow is amazing and for me Reason represents a wonderful tool for music production when using Kong, ReDrum, the RE synths, and some of the creative fx that aid in Sound Design like Etch Red, Polar, Synchronous, Echobode, The Fritz,etc. For real instruments there are higher quality options and a vast quantity of other options outside of it. I feel our Synths are at a point where they compare with anything else. Sample based Instruments not so much.That's another reason why Synths are Reason's strongest suit from a device perspective not talking workflow. Some of you make it seem like Im personally attacking you for feeling that way. Its just music software guys. Its just fun.

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24 Sep 2016

JerrelTheKing wrote:Reading some of these are funny. Did I ever say I was giving up on Reason? Nope. Did I ever see Reason offered nothing for mixing? Nope. Did I ever say Reason had no sample based instruments at all? Nope. I did say that of all the things Reason does Synths has always been its strongest suit and the continual frequency of newer better synths in each RE release proves that. It isnt debatable. Tell me another thing be it Pianos, or Strings, or studio fx that continually up the ante for its category with every release. I personally love Reason. The workflow is amazing and for me Reason represents a wonderful tool for music production when using Kong, ReDrum, the RE synths, and some of the creative fx that aid in Sound Design like Etch Red, Polar, Synchronous, Echobode, The Fritz,etc. For real instruments there are higher quality options and a vast quantity of other options outside of it. I feel our Synths are at a point where they compare with anything else. Sample based Instruments not so much.That's another reason why Synths are Reason's strongest suit from a device perspective not talking workflow. Some of you make it seem like Im personally attacking you for feeling that way. Its just music software guys. Its just fun.
You are talking about the lack of a highly scriptable sampler in Reason like NI Kontakt. For me, the A-List-REs show up what's possible here. Maybe one of the RE-developers might plan to create a sampler with a scripting language built in. What exactly are you missing? Special keys/MIDI-notes to switch between sounds-flavors like that used in Kontakt? Better quality samples? (there are also a lot of Refills) A graphical GUI for every sample pack with animated elements? Effects like that built in in Kontakt? (except morphing, I think everything else is there in Reason) ... and by writing this I got a great Idea for a new Combinator patch :)

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24 Sep 2016

Ahornberg wrote:
JerrelTheKing wrote:Reading some of these are funny. Did I ever say I was giving up on Reason? Nope. Did I ever see Reason offered nothing for mixing? Nope. Did I ever say Reason had no sample based instruments at all? Nope. I did say that of all the things Reason does Synths has always been its strongest suit and the continual frequency of newer better synths in each RE release proves that. It isnt debatable. Tell me another thing be it Pianos, or Strings, or studio fx that continually up the ante for its category with every release. I personally love Reason. The workflow is amazing and for me Reason represents a wonderful tool for music production when using Kong, ReDrum, the RE synths, and some of the creative fx that aid in Sound Design like Etch Red, Polar, Synchronous, Echobode, The Fritz,etc. For real instruments there are higher quality options and a vast quantity of other options outside of it. I feel our Synths are at a point where they compare with anything else. Sample based Instruments not so much.That's another reason why Synths are Reason's strongest suit from a device perspective not talking workflow. Some of you make it seem like Im personally attacking you for feeling that way. Its just music software guys. Its just fun.
You are talking about the lack of a highly scriptable sampler in Reason like NI Kontakt. For me, the A-List-REs show up what's possible here. Maybe one of the RE-developers might plan to create a sampler with a scripting language built in. What exactly are you missing? Special keys/MIDI-notes to switch between sounds-flavors like that used in Kontakt? Better quality samples? (there are also a lot of Refills) A graphical GUI for every sample pack with animated elements? Effects like that built in in Kontakt? (except morphing, I think everything else is there in Reason) ... and by writing this I got a great Idea for a new Combinator patch :)
"You are talking about the lack of a highly scriptable sampler in Reason like NI Kontakt"

Basically this ^. While there is the IDT part of the RE SDK it's still not completely on par with Kontakt and other similar sampler engines. The file sizes of the sampled instruments made as RE are limited because there's no disk streaming. There's also no way of storing those samples on a separate hard drive. For those reasons, among others, very few developers are making instruments that fit into the "Real" category for Reason.

While there are some good refills available, they're generally less functional than their Kontakt/UVI and even RE counterparts due to the limitations of the combinator.

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