Reason 12 Wishlist

Have any feature requests? No promise they'll get to Reason Studios, but you can still discuss them here.
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01 Oct 2019

combinator wit super advanced features.

new distortion
new EQ
automation curve data base. (save favorite shapes)
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01 Oct 2019

after trying track folders for the first time ever in Cakewalk, that is a HUGE feature that I’d love to see in Reason. I’ve seen others request it, and always thought it was a good idea, conceptually, but after actually using it, I realize it’s a *great* idea.

it would also be cool if they allowed the option to automatically create the folder as a bus for the tracks inside.
I write music for good people

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03 Oct 2019

No particular order. Mostly fixes for things that Reason hasn't upgraded for over a decade.

0. combinator 2 with a customizable number of knobs & switches (say, up to 8 each in total) and a larger modmatrix. *add to that, an improved UI for mix channels, so you can choose to view knobs and/or programmer. The current one only shows both at the same time, which is ugly and wastes space.
1. option for audio timestretch OFF by default
2. track folders, obviously.
3. track markers, because jesus christ it's 2019
4. labels for automation and at least the option to mirror the labels on the combinator
5. an improved nn-xt. this one should be easy. just open ALL the parameters to be automatable, and add a proper non-destructive loop crossfade, (like samplers have had for over 20 years now), and add a few more filters. doesn't need any new fancy FX, the 8 output groups mean that comps, reverbs, delays and so on can be taken care of by the Reason native devices.
6. improve the MClass EQ.
7. fix the phase of the tape mode of the scream4, and wet/dry knob. If they really want everyone to cream their pants, add a couple of new modes to the Scream4 and call it the Scream5.
8. a return to the concept of simple but powerful devices that can be linked together. No more all-in-a-box romplers. No more romplers ever.
9. resizable GUI
a. text input for values. this is a huge time waster.
b. detach the broswer from the rack and make it a separate window.
c. Did i mention, no more fucking romplers?

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03 Oct 2019

I have some sort of mirthless and sarcastic prediction about future verrions of Reason. Briefly - Reason 12 - some content update, mp3 export, bug fixes. Could be released somewhere in 2021. R 13 - readjustable gui with 100, 110, 125, 150, 175 and 200 per cent values, some bug fixes. Possible release time - 2023. R 14 - Content update, new browser maybe. May be released at 2025. R 15 - vst3 support, bug fixes. Release - 2027.
Saying this, I hope that will not come true and Reason Studios team has better and faster vision of Reason development.

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11 Oct 2019

1. Add Presets for all the reason internal mastering tools.
2. Add presents for the SSL Mixer.
3. Add the ability to import save effect chains from other songs.

I wish I could create my own mixer and effects profile which I could just apply to different songs.

Currently I save a song template to achieve this. But there are times I start with a fresh pallet then forget how I had affects & channel settings on drums from a particular song and have to remember which project to open.

If I could from a drum track click a button to save effects used on that channel and separately save channel settings. Call the file Drum settings from song X. This file then could be imported into any desired midi/mix channel.

This would be a killer feature. The Props can do a nice video called Mixer saved profiles.
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15 Oct 2019

selig wrote:
27 Sep 2019
BananaSkins wrote:
27 Aug 2019
Why not Reason 13 Wishlist :lol: :lol: :lol:
Practically speaking, this is more like a "Reason 20" wishlist.

One thing is for sure! As long as Reason Studios continue to update its DAW there will always be a future WishList.

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12 Jan 2020

- MPE Mode
- New Modern fast GUI
- improved Browser
- better Organisation for Racks
- better way to do sidechain
- macros like s1
- i wanna drag a sample in the rack or arranger and it creats the nnxt with the sample In it automatic like bitwig or ableton
- update NNXT or make a modern version
- Chordtrack like S1
- video support
- mp3 export
- better ways to do sends

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14 Jan 2020

owlymane wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I - - Overall GUI Update:
1. Improve Browser (Sample preview player, better and flexible browser management, copy, rename, multi-select)
2. Scalable HQ Rack
3. Improved Mixer GUI & Mixer Themes
4. Text Input for Values (Be able to write down the values for the devices)
5. Sequencer GUI update (including the piano roll, bottom play/stop/tempo, and also those midi boxes)
6. Update old instruments including the NNXT-rex...c'mon...
7. Be able to see Rack/Mixer/Sequencer side-by-side besides one on top of the other. We can see shit better! (No need to double-click on the bar to open sections, one click on the bar is enough to switch views)

II - - Sequencer
1. Upgrade and Improve Midi Editing tools (don't make us add a note/notes in a mode and remove a note/notes in another mode, c'mon, we need workflow, speed. FL Studio left click=add/ right-click= remove note, get inspired!)
2. Improve Audio sample manipulation and Time Warp/Sync, Tempo Detection
3. Drag/Drop Audio Samples directly from browser to the device in the sequencer
4. Make it possible to edit several midi boxes at the same time.
5. More Audio and Midi Tools (don't make me list them, they're all over the place and other DAWs)
6. Track Folders and better channel organization
7. Display a tracker that shows whether the sequencer is in "Follow Song" Mode or not

III - Rack
1. Improve Rack Cabling:
A. Make it faster as you scroll for the love of GOD! It's hell when you have a huge stack of instruments. I'm using Windows. Maybe MAC users don't face this issue.
B. Make a way to better locate where the device we want to cable to, is located (coloring system from device A to device B, perhaps by selecting both of them, then flipping the rack)

IV - Key commands
1. Never enough of them, give us more.
2. Play keys and beats on laptop keyboard. Plays what's selected in the sequencer channel, or what's selected in the rack, instantly
3. Give us better key commands for editing tools. Something faster than the pencil, eraser tools etc...
4. Custom Key commands for Windows Please? Also Trackpad zoom and Side-Scroll on Windows? Please?

V - VST3 and more audio format compatibility
1. Export to mp3/to soundcloud like Studio One
2. Accept FLAC format as audio samples and other audio formats
3. VST3

VI - Live
1. Play live in Reason
2. Make a Reason Hardware Controller that is able to fluidly and efficiently control everything inside Reason, without even looking at Reason.

VII - Video Editing
:o :o :o What a great wishlist! YES for ALL!!! What I'd add in II - Sequencer/1. is a brush tool. It is true indeed that on FL it's left click to add a note and right click to remove, which is a great workflow imo. Would be nice if in the sequencer itself you can add/remove notes like in the Redrum device :thumbs_up:

I'd also add a faster way to sidechain...

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11 Feb 2020

All of the above +

- MP3 export... blah blah blah
- Reason Sequencer lane that shows MIDI Note on hover... just as an example~
- A visual UI refresh would be great, especially with the MClass Units that are looking seriously dated.
(much like some of the waves plug-ins)
- Font and sticky tape thing change on REs aswell, much prefer a cleaner looking font.

I'm really hoping that Reason 12 delivers. I don't care to invest in another DAW but one can never say never.
(Remember that time it was sworn we would never get VSTs due to stability and compatibility issues)..heh

Thank you for feedback link guitfnky

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Mike B
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19 Mar 2020

owlymane wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I - - Overall GUI Update:
1. Improve Browser (Sample preview player, better and flexible browser management, copy, rename, multi-select)
2. Scalable HQ Rack
3. Improved Mixer GUI & Mixer Themes
4. Text Input for Values (Be able to write down the values for the devices)
5. Sequencer GUI update (including the piano roll, bottom play/stop/tempo, and also those midi boxes)
6. Update old instruments including the NNXT-rex...c'mon...
7. Be able to see Rack/Mixer/Sequencer side-by-side besides one on top of the other. We can see shit better! (No need to double-click on the bar to open sections, one click on the bar is enough to switch views)

II - - Sequencer
1. Upgrade and Improve Midi Editing tools (don't make us add a note/notes in a mode and remove a note/notes in another mode, c'mon, we need workflow, speed. FL Studio left click=add/ right-click= remove note, get inspired!)
2. Improve Audio sample manipulation and Time Warp/Sync, Tempo Detection
3. Drag/Drop Audio Samples directly from browser to the device in the sequencer
4. Make it possible to edit several midi boxes at the same time.
5. More Audio and Midi Tools (don't make me list them, they're all over the place and other DAWs)
6. Track Folders and better channel organization
7. Display a tracker that shows whether the sequencer is in "Follow Song" Mode or not

III - Rack
1. Improve Rack Cabling:
A. Make it faster as you scroll for the love of GOD! It's hell when you have a huge stack of instruments. I'm using Windows. Maybe MAC users don't face this issue.
B. Make a way to better locate where the device we want to cable to, is located (coloring system from device A to device B, perhaps by selecting both of them, then flipping the rack)

IV - Key commands
1. Never enough of them, give us more.
2. Play keys and beats on laptop keyboard. Plays what's selected in the sequencer channel, or what's selected in the rack, instantly
3. Give us better key commands for editing tools. Something faster than the pencil, eraser tools etc...
4. Custom Key commands for Windows Please? Also Trackpad zoom and Side-Scroll on Windows? Please?

V - VST3 and more audio format compatibility
1. Export to mp3/to soundcloud like Studio One
2. Accept FLAC format as audio samples and other audio formats
3. VST3

VI - Live
1. Play live in Reason
2. Make a Reason Hardware Controller that is able to fluidly and efficiently control everything inside Reason, without even looking at Reason.

VII - Video Editing
One minor feature on this list down :D Mp3 export!

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20 Mar 2020

A scalable rack, it's so hard to see these pretty instruments on a 13" MacBook Pro with Retina.

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24 Mar 2020

Some kind of step input, for those of us that are really bad at using a midi keyboard.

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24 Mar 2020

As a 13" laptop user, i wish Reason would improve screen estate : option to reduce the vertical size of the transport panel, the toolbars, the dividers between the different windows (when folded) etc...
(Maybe the "tabs" system could be a solution for laptop users, but i always found it broken/unfinished/unoptimized each time i tried it)
Edit : please reduce the size of top bar on vst window too

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24 Mar 2020

Hi, i'm vocal producer in Brazil. For my job If possible make the Pitch Correct (run like melodyne) for include in rack effect or rack plugin to open in Ableton, Studio One, FL Studio (Any Daw). Variaudio os exclusive for Cubase but Pitch Correct of the Reason os powerfull.

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28 Mar 2020

guitfnky wrote:
17 Sep 2019
hurricane wrote:
06 Sep 2019
Just seems like making these requests is a waste of time. I give up.
have you made requests with them directly?
Thank you, Sir.

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28 Mar 2020

My requests Copy'd/Paste'd from ReasonTalk >>YouTube comments>>

1. It would be nice if you fine gentlemen at Reason Studios would integrate the well thought out and almost perfectly executed functionality of the Poly Step Sequencer (and other Players) into the Main Piano Roll Sequencer.

Some may beg the question, why would they add this functionality to the Main (Piano Roll) Sequencer when you already have the Players?

The answer’s simply a matter of taste, but more so intuition. These Players are perfect for individuals who like to create solely within the Rack space. I assume that was the thinking and rational behind their creation. Allowing focus of all your creativity in one screen (The Rack). However, I believe it’s more intuitive to have access to these highly creative tools within the Players in the Piano Roll’s sequencer. Especially for new users to the Reason experience, and those who may be migrating from other DAWs.

From a new user perspective, you’d see the Piano Roll sequencer and automatically assume that area is specifically where you should record your performances whether MIDI, vocal, etc. And it’d probably be a while before you noticed the Players even existed, albeit a pleasant surprise.

2. In Studio One, there is an option to Bounce Midi Instrument performances to an Audio track, while preserving the original Midi by combining both Midi and Audio into 1 track. In addition to keeping DSP usage to a minimum by disabling the RE/VST, this is the perfect solution in case you want to revert back to Midi to make changes to the original performance. This is also a win in keeping the Mix, Rack, and Arrange areas tidy.

3. I’d like to give kudos to whomever developed the Timestretch and Pitchshift algorithms in Reason. To my ears they are the best I’ve heard across all music creation software I’ve used, including Studio One, MPC Software, FL Studio, and Logic Pro X.

To Reason’s development team. Please...pretty please with sugar on top...could you please add these TS/PS algorithms in the Piano Roll sequencer to your samplers and drum machines. I beg you!🙏🏻🙏🏿🙏🏼🙏🏾🙏🙏🏽

4. More key commands for options like "Split/Revert Slice", "Bounce in Place", "Bounce to Rex File", "Create Parallel...", etc. I am fully aware in OS X there is an option to create personalized Key Commands for user installed Apps. Although I still own my Macbook Pro Mid 2012, most of my music production and mixing happens in Windows 10 on my desktop. As far as I know, Microsoft does not incorporate this functionality into it's OS.

5. The ability to type in numerical parameters in REs and stock instruments same as the VSTs. Not sure why Reason Studios seem to put so much emphasis on work flow when they invite so much mousing around.

6. Solo Isolate. I must say. I am shocked this is not already an option in Reason's Mixer.

With that said, I totally appreciate Reason's software developers and all you've achieved so far. I understand it's impossible to please all of your user base. Nothing in life is perfect. But for me, you have more than adequately provided excellent tools at our disposal to keep the creative juices flowing.

Thank You

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29 Apr 2020

III - Rack
1. Improve Rack Cabling:
A. Make it faster as you scroll for the love of GOD! It's hell when you have a huge stack of instruments. I'm using Windows. Maybe MAC users don't face this issue

***If you hold shift it speeds up.***

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29 Apr 2020

tominator_66 wrote:
29 Apr 2020
III - Rack
1. Improve Rack Cabling:
A. Make it faster as you scroll for the love of GOD! It's hell when you have a huge stack of instruments. I'm using Windows. Maybe MAC users don't face this issue

***If you hold shift it speeds up.***
Yes! Or, maybe something contextual , like, as the longer you are dragging a cable up or down the rack, the scroll speed increases.
With cabling itself, I'm wishing for a bit more intelligent patching, possibly some sort of auto complete option.
Maybe if I hold down Alt while connecting a gate plug, the corresponding cv/note cable gets auto routed.
Alt-Cmd while connecting a cable could completely auto populate all the note/gates of the two devices you are connecting.

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06 May 2020

Since they changed the name to Reason Studios I wonder what studio advanced features they might incorporate.

1. Audio to video sync editor. I have been using Cubase for scoring and would rather just do this within reason.
2. Mixer templates. Importing different SSL mixer settings.
3. Turn all legacy creative effects into player like devices allowing the ability to export creative effects into midi note.
4. I want Reason to be the one stop shop for everything.
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07 May 2020

zoidkirb wrote:
26 Aug 2019
A fine list . I predict HD/GUI update now will be most users and also Reason Studios top priority now.
Probably track folders might make it into a point upgrade hopefully. Midi out of players in the new rack vst and midi out of vst's in Reason DAW I think will be also highly requested and plausible for RS to implement in the next few years.
I think it's been mentioned that they're working on it here in this forum. It should be in the next update July / August. They've completed the Rack Plug-In stuff for all formats so must be on their next agenda. Hope they just go the whole hog and include scalability as well as improved GUI for 4k but knowing how slow they are we'll be waiting till 11.5 for that lol!

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07 May 2020

Creativemind wrote:
07 May 2020
zoidkirb wrote:
26 Aug 2019
A fine list . I predict HD/GUI update now will be most users and also Reason Studios top priority now.
Probably track folders might make it into a point upgrade hopefully. Midi out of players in the new rack vst and midi out of vst's in Reason DAW I think will be also highly requested and plausible for RS to implement in the next few years.
I think it's been mentioned that they're working on it here in this forum. It should be in the next update July / August. They've completed the Rack Plug-In stuff for all formats so must be on their next agenda. Hope they just go the whole hog and include scalability as well as improved GUI for 4k but knowing how slow they are we'll be waiting till 11.5 for that lol!
I hope so too. i think at a bare minimum, them implementing the hi-res re assets they already have is going to be a boon for every user. I think for sure there will also be at least a re-sizeable RRP too. What they do within the DAW itself really could go in any direction. Maybe involving updates down the line.

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07 May 2020

Guys, this is nice and all, but please put all of your wishes into the single thread WE ALREADY HAVE FOR THIS with polls and discussion:


Otherwise we are just wasting time in circles.

Put it all in there and we will then summon the developers over the weekend to finally take a look. I have a grand fool-proof idea of how to do this.


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07 May 2020

Yonatan wrote:
01 Sep 2019
Bring the slice sensitivity slider from ReCycle into the slice edit mode.
Just been looking at a video, never really looked into it as such but that's one hell of an advanced audio editing tool. People have mentioned on here before, to have Recycle built into Reason. It should be. Very powerful. Every part of Recycle should be accessible when you right click an audio clip, 2 things they should add to the menu - Audio Properties, Audio Settings.

Properties tells you everything about that clip - Label (whatever the clips been named), Format - 16bit Stereo Wav etc, Filepath -
So if not recorded in Reason it tells you the file path of where it came from on your computer otherwise says "Reason", Filesize - how big in Mb / Gb the clip is (but might then need to be saved as a separate file to know this - un-self-contained), date and time created, clip length (switchable from time to beats & bars), Clip Colour, dB - 0 if unaltered but tells you +2dB etc if you've increased it 2dB, Pitch, how many times duplicated in the track, Modifications - How many times it's been modified, Normalised - Yes / No, Comped - Yes/ No. Everything you can think of.

The other - Clip Settings - is everything from Recycle. Amount of transients detected is displayed with a slider etc etc or does anyone else think there's a more slick integration somehow into Slice Edit for the Recycle part?

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07 May 2020

Boombastix wrote:
30 Aug 2019
Why not a Presonus type wish list that gets voted on,
Great idea. I've always wondered what deemed a feature worthy. They say things were requested but it's be great if we could all vote and see how a feature inclusion was reached.

Reason Studio's 11.3 / Cockos Reaper 6.82 / Cakewalk By Bandlab / Orion 8.6 ... soul-mix-3

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