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Today, Cubase 10 filters off all Midi CCs, ensuring that no data reaches the VST plugins.

Posted: 09 Jun 2021
by viru22
For the past hour, I've been googling and cursing at my computer.

I have at least 8 controllers (keyboards and surfaces) and none of them will send any other Midi CC except Pitchbend. No expression pedals, modulators, or other CCs are allowed. It's as if somebody is filtering them all out on a worldwide scale. I double-checked that my tracks are set to all midi inputs and tried both the midi channel set to 1 and the midi channel set to Any. I went in and eliminated what I believed was a potentially troublesome botched Generic Remote that was stealing midi ccs. As a Midi insert, I attached a Midi Monitor to my track. (d) open Cubase and run the identical plugins as standalone programmes (falcon as standalone, complete control as standalone), and the midi CCs function great. There are no midi filters, according to Midi Filters.

It has been restarted. Check it out. A chicken was sacrificed. Check it out. Checked a variety of USB cables and USB-MIDI connections.

Is there a checkbox anywhere in Cubase that says "consume all the midi CCs" that I've mistakenly enabled?