Offline authorization will be discontinued for R11 and earlier - This is serious

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04 Jun 2023

moneykube wrote:
04 Jun 2023
crimsonwarlock wrote:
04 Jun 2023

Mattias stated specifically that that is not the case because it was requested so many times to NOT do that. You have to update the RE in your account manually first.
did it last night... no issues
Which REs got an update last night?
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04 Jun 2023

crimsonwarlock wrote:
04 Jun 2023
moneykube wrote:
04 Jun 2023

did it last night... no issues
Which REs got an update last night?
none of them... I just have not updated the recent ones and my recent purchases recently, since the last bunch of updates, and purchases. I do this generally after every update or purchase , but I have been too busy to do so for a few months. So there were a large number number that sync all synced and downloaded last night with sync all , no matter what Mattias stated. :exclamation:
After reading this thread, I thought it was time to do so again. Perhaps this is for R11 and 12 when sync all got broken. It has always has worked on Reason 10 for me with no problems after syncing my main computer one rack at a time, when running 11 or 12... I do sync all on the second computer, at a minimum of once a month( this was the only time I waited a few months before doing sync all, and there were a lot of updates from turn 2 on, RP Goto Rack, some freebies like pump and turn 2 on's amp, and some purchases to update, including objeKt.... Just checked, and sync all did 10 last night with no problems.... I have never had to do them one at a time on the Reason 10, after my main computer is up to date. Believe me or don't... It is the truth. If updates happen before the deadline, I can video the process if you like> to prove my statement. Put Reason 10 on a second computer, and try it yourself, if you have the ignition key. 10 is the highest version that will run on my portable studio computer. I do know what I am talking about and see it happen flawlessly every time, since sync all changed in Reason 11 and 12. This has been how it has worked for me, For 3 to maybe 4 or 5 years years??? The date would be whenever sync all got broken for 11.
crimsonwarlock wrote:
04 Jun 2023
They changed it somewhere in the last few years, so maybe you remember from before that.
My memory is quite fine BTW, except for exactly how many years it has worked this way, since sync all got broken for later versions.
Last edited by moneykube on 04 Jun 2023, edited 3 times in total. ... d-playlist
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04 Jun 2023

joeyluck wrote:
03 Jun 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
03 Jun 2023

The context of the discussion was the use of a better dongle, rather a better replacement of it. Something physical you already have with you. My phone is good enough for banking, Google, Microsoft and Steam authentification. So some app you connect via Bluetooth or WiFi, but as a validation for a few seconds for that handshake.
It wasn't something they wanted to do, unfortunately.
If they do I hope RS will call it 'Figure Connect' :puf_smile:
Well the great thing about this new authorization method is that Reason Studios manages it. So you never know. Not sure this would be the method I would want, but point being is they should have the flexibility to make changes down the road.
The bigger context is the same for RS: the delivery of the news no matter the news creates confusion and fear, with little time for some to adapt (mentally) to the upcoming outcome. Some Reason users scratch their heads, others choose tribalism. This is a problem beyond the greatness of any technical wizardry.

FOMO is a double edge sword. Wielding it wrong destroys trust.

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04 Jun 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
04 Jun 2023
joeyluck wrote:
03 Jun 2023

Well the great thing about this new authorization method is that Reason Studios manages it. So you never know. Not sure this would be the method I would want, but point being is they should have the flexibility to make changes down the road.
The bigger context is the same for RS: the delivery of the news no matter the news creates confusion and fear, with little time for some to adapt (mentally) to the upcoming outcome. Some Reason users scratch their heads, others choose tribalism. This is a problem beyond the greatness of any technical wizardry.

FOMO is a double edge sword. Wielding it wrong destroys trust.
Like I mentioned, we went through something like this before beginning with Record. We went from just entering serial numbers to needing a usb dongle or online authentication. Computer authorization was not an option for Record or later with Reason 6. Some people felt like their world was being flipped upside-down. I found myself more often using online authentication even then because I was afraid of losing the Ignition Key. And to think that was 12 years ago kind of blows my mind. And even though the online authentication worked and the Ignition Key worked, people still demanded computer authorization. Eventually we got that with Reason 7.

While you may try to fit people into two camps, some of us just go with the flow. I think it's great that Reason Studios has their own authorization system and we can message them with any issues, concerns, or requests. We can now authorize up to 3 computers for offline use. So they heard and answered that request.

And for perpetual licenses, I believe it updates the long-term authorization each time you have Reason online to update Reason or update a RE license or whatever. So then the long-term authorization is constantly updated to be 1 year out from the last time you had Reason online. That and/or I think you can just toggle long-term authorization off and back on to update it for a year out from that date.

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04 Jun 2023

moneykube wrote:
04 Jun 2023
no matter what Mattias stated. :exclamation:
Strange that there are so many posts here on the forum about RE updates no longer auto-sync, and that you have to search the shop or go through all pages of your RE licenses to see if there is an update. People post here things like "if I didn't read here about the update, I would never know it, I did the sync-all thing, but that didn't update anything". In those discussions, I never saw someone reply to the contrary like you do here. So, you seem to have some special exception to the sync-all functionality :lol:

It's why I post to the forum when I see an update in the shop, as it got me a few times as well.
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04 Jun 2023

Reason Studios are owned by a private equity group so you guys are all speculating and wondering about something no one who isn't incredibly sheltered and naive wonders and speculates about anymore. Will private equity pursue X course of action or business model that they believe will be more profitable despite the fact that doing so necessarily involves some wildly unethical / immoral / illegal action that normal people whould balk at. It's what they do and the people they hire to run the companies they take over are hired FOR their willingness to stab the people under them and their customers in the back when they are told to, how they are told to, with expediency and without asking questions.

For example, lots of small and mid-sized manufacturing interests in N. America had small towns grow up around them and over the course of decades those employers became the economic lifeblood of the town (as well as being extremely profitable). In many cases the original ownership (usually a family) was unwilling to liquidate their assets and move their operation overseas even when it became abundantly clear they could become even wealthier than they already were by doing so. They didn't do that because doing so would mean stripping pensions and healthcare from local retirees who worked for the company for decades, throwing all of their friends and neighbors out of work, and destroying the town their family had lived in for generations almost overnight. Enter private equity who see any company with significant paid for real estate assets, a pension fund they havne't stolen yet, or labor making a living wage in N. America as "unrealized" profits that the current ownership are too sentimental (not amoral monsters like them) to extract from their customers or employees.

What do you think these folks saw in Propellerheads a few years ago that attracted their interest? There are lots and lots of distressed software companies that attract zero interest from these ghouls, even ones with a provable install base much larger than Propellerheads had or RS will ever have. What could be the attraction? Reason may be small and irrelevant in the larger DAW market, but it has an incredibly loyal long term fan base that have stuck with the software all this time despite Propellerheads incredibly consistent record of blatant dishonesty and customer-hostility going back to at least 2012. They know that if you are still using software you first used in the 90s (and rabidly defending the comany that makes it against any and all criticism in online forums) you are probably in your late 30s at the youngest. In other words they know that the Reason user base is incredibly loyal and emotionally entangled with the product and also more, ahem, mature than the user base of the mainstream DAWs by a couple decades on average meaning they're into their peak earning years and have much more disposable income than the average high school or college student that wants to get into production.

This my friends is the "unrealized" profit potential that is ALWAYS (as in 100% of the time with zero exceptions) the reason private equity takes ownership or a controlling stake in a company. They know that all the boomers who patrol this forum for anything negative being said about RS will also give them as much money as-is required to stick with Reason, defending them at every step, regardless of how much they abuse that trust. Just the fact that everyone is so worried about the possibility they might be forced into a subscription model to maintain access to their perpetual license products tells them they are on the right track. You clearly CARE a lot about your software and the music you may have made with it since the 90s meaning most of you will PAY TO KEEP IT no matter how unfair or unethical the changes forced on you are. If the old management wasn't prepared to do that to their customers, that's just sentimental weakness and I guarantee you the suit with zero experience or interest in the music software industry that they have running the company now will not have any problem telling you all to bend over and grab your ankles when the order comes down from his bosses at Verdane. And the same sad troupe of boomer moderators who are in some weird stockholm syndrome kind of relationship with RS will still be here telling you that you're all overreacting and you just need to shut up and leave if you aren't into being coerced into subscriptions like they are.

One final point if anyone cares, if it's blatantly illegal under EU law to suddenly force perpetual license customers onto a subscription plan they will 100% do it anyway. For private equity the question is never whether something is legal but whether they will ultimately make more money by breaking or following the law (its not like there are any personal consequences for any of the decision makers). I am trained under the American legal system but EU law is not so different that I can't pull up the EU consumer regulations and find pretty quickly that prohibiting the resale of a perpetual license electronic good (like an RE) has been explicitly forbidden by statute since about two years after the creation of the EU. RS has been in open defiance of very clearly written EU consumer protection statute for as long as REs have existed. Similarly I can find a section with very particular rules for how and when you can require a customer who already owns a perpetual license digital product to purchase a new license or connect to your authorization servers periodically (so you can pull all the monetizable telemetry data your software collects from user machines without their knowledge or permission). Good news the rules are very clearly written and easy to understand, you can't do this at all under EU law outside of very constrained scenarios where a company is going out of business and even in that case what RS is trying to pull here would not be allowed.

I have several thousand usd invested in Reason going back to the early 2000s so I'm very much in the group of people that RS' current management intend to extort into a mandatory subscription model (their failure to do so to-date is "unrealized" profit that's still in your wallet instead of theirs) and I'm fortunately in a position to fight back even though it won't make any sense financially to do so. i have an email list with over 300 U.S. based Reason users that we originally collected for a new Reason newsletter or forum back when they announced the closure of the original Propellerheads forum. Its been a couple years since I sent an email inquiring about interest in a potential class-action suit against RS if (when) they attempt to strong arm their users into a subscription model and 183 people expressed interest in joining at that time (there's no cost to join a class action, you'll just need some record of owning a perpetual license version within a given timeframe). If you guys are in the U.S. and interested in joining a potential suit when it becomes necessary you can send me a dm with your email contact and I'll add you to the email list.

I've noticed the moderators here have been trying to pretend to be actual moderators instead of foaming at the mouth defenders of all things RS recently but if they nuke this post or my whole account despite their pretentions don't worry. If we get a suit certified as a class-action which is relatively easy to do in this type of scenario I can force RS to turn over the contact information for the entire potentially affected class (aka, every single person in the U.S. who purchased any perpetual license version of Reason within a given time frame) so they can all be notified and invited to join by mail (you may have gotten one of those postcards before). I intend to make it as costly as possible for RS to force their U.S. based users into subscriptions if i cannot stop it altogether and i'm well familiar with this area of law and what it takes to fight this type of case (i can do it on my own time with my own resources). If you are in the EU and have a lot invested in REs you really ought to look into what I said above about the prohibition against reselling REs and the newly introduced online authorization requirements for perpetual license holders. Both are clearly and explicitly banned by EU consumer statute and very similar scenarios involving much more expensive commercial software have already been adjudicated several times in favor of the perpetual license holders. Props and RS have been in brazen, open violation of multiple EU statutes since they introduced the RE format, they just haven't been called out on it to-date because of the nature of the software and small financial stakes. You have the legal right to resell your REs in the EU (we are not so lucky in the U.S. on this point unfortunately) it's just that, at least until now, no one has cared enough to call Propellerheads/RS out on this and seek enforcement of this right from regulators. You probably wouldn't even need to sue them based on what I've seen in the most similar scenarios I can find, the only answer RS can plausibly give in their defense is "we did it by accident, we'll follow the law from now on".

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04 Jun 2023

joeyluck wrote:
04 Jun 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
04 Jun 2023

The bigger context is the same for RS: the delivery of the news no matter the news creates confusion and fear, with little time for some to adapt (mentally) to the upcoming outcome. Some Reason users scratch their heads, others choose tribalism. This is a problem beyond the greatness of any technical wizardry.

FOMO is a double edge sword. Wielding it wrong destroys trust.
Like I mentioned, we went through something like this before beginning with Record. We went from just entering serial numbers to needing a usb dongle or online authentication. Computer authorization was not an option for Record or later with Reason 6. Some people felt like their world was being flipped upside-down. I found myself more often using online authentication even then because I was afraid of losing the Ignition Key. And to think that was 12 years ago kind of blows my mind. And even though the online authentication worked and the Ignition Key worked, people still demanded computer authorization. Eventually we got that with Reason 7.

While you may try to fit people into two camps, some of us just go with the flow. I think it's great that Reason Studios has their own authorization system and we can message them with any issues, concerns, or requests. We can now authorize up to 3 computers for offline use. So they heard and answered that request.

And for perpetual licenses, I believe it updates the long-term authorization each time you have Reason online to update Reason or update a RE license or whatever. So then the long-term authorization is constantly updated to be 1 year out from the last time you had Reason online. That and/or I think you can just toggle long-term authorization off and back on to update it for a year out from that date.
I wasn't aware of any camps, or trying to fit people in them.
Then I read "If you don't like it, then move on, while the rest of us enjoy the fruits we don't mind paying for. We don't need to hear you screaming on the way out."

My position is simple. The flow of progress shall not be stopped. Yet, some can't keep up with its speed. They want to be reassured that everything will be alright. Maybe they can't afford to spend money right now, etc. Just sharing how they feel should not be interpreted as some kind of rejection of the product they own and love. Maybe for more than decades.

There is nothing wrong with the company RS to deliver their message in a way that make people feel safe in their investment, in their passion. That noise in counterproductive, especially if Reason is someone's only DAW. This not just about technical progress.

Why are we still here?
Because we love Reason.
Because a lot of us used to be omnipatient with RS.

And for those who are a bit sadden by the camp builders. Do not worry about them. They always fade away in the ether.

Enjoy your creativity.
Enjoy Life :puf_smile:

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04 Jun 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
04 Jun 2023
joeyluck wrote:
04 Jun 2023

Like I mentioned, we went through something like this before beginning with Record. We went from just entering serial numbers to needing a usb dongle or online authentication. Computer authorization was not an option for Record or later with Reason 6. Some people felt like their world was being flipped upside-down. I found myself more often using online authentication even then because I was afraid of losing the Ignition Key. And to think that was 12 years ago kind of blows my mind. And even though the online authentication worked and the Ignition Key worked, people still demanded computer authorization. Eventually we got that with Reason 7.

While you may try to fit people into two camps, some of us just go with the flow. I think it's great that Reason Studios has their own authorization system and we can message them with any issues, concerns, or requests. We can now authorize up to 3 computers for offline use. So they heard and answered that request.

And for perpetual licenses, I believe it updates the long-term authorization each time you have Reason online to update Reason or update a RE license or whatever. So then the long-term authorization is constantly updated to be 1 year out from the last time you had Reason online. That and/or I think you can just toggle long-term authorization off and back on to update it for a year out from that date.
I wasn't aware of any camps, or trying to fit people in them.
Then I read "If you don't like it, then move on, while the rest of us enjoy the fruits we don't mind paying for. We don't need to hear you screaming on the way out."

My position is simple. The flow of progress shall not be stopped. Yet, some can't keep up with its speed. They want to be reassured that everything will be alright. Maybe they can't afford to spend money right now, etc. Just sharing how they feel should not be interpreted as some kind of rejection of the product they own and love. Maybe for more than decades.

There is nothing wrong with the company RS to deliver their message in a way that make people feel safe in their investment, in their passion. That noise in counterproductive, especially if Reason is someone's only DAW. This not just about technical progress.

Why are we still here?
Because we love Reason.
Because a lot of us used to be omnipatient with RS.

And for those who are a bit sadden by the camp builders. Do not worry about them. They always fade away in the ether.

Enjoy your creativity.
Enjoy Life :puf_smile:
Well to be clear, that quote of "if you don't like it, move on" isn't from me.

And what I was referring to was you saying that "Some Reason users scratch their heads, others choose tribalism."
I am neither scratching my head or as you say 'choosing tribalism'. That's all I meant.

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04 Jun 2023

Reasonosaer, I'm on the younger side of the demographic you describe, and i will not be forced to subscribe. The only option they can provide is a 12 usd per year subscription price and then i would consider it. Otherwise i would just bounce to audio and Midi all of my reason projects and just stop using the program. The thing is, i don't believe this will happen. But if it does, I'm out, unless the price is along the lines of 1 usd per month. Regardless, backing up your projects is good practice and you should absolutely be doing that no matter what.

Otoh, what's funny is that it is the actual boomers the ones who are constantly stirring shit up over here all the time, and the worst part is some of those who do it all the time but back up when confronted about it, denying malice, and twisting words, disregarding the intelligence of the rest of us. Even the most patient person has a limit to how much bullshit they can passively observe before getting annoyed by the constant, relentless, word vomit from some users on this forum.

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04 Jun 2023

I love the ranty boomers. I love that this thread has ‘this is serious’ in the title and threats of class action lawsuits . It’s hilarious! 🤣

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04 Jun 2023

😂 tHiS is sEriOuS!

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04 Jun 2023

My AI learning has taught me that animated gifs are a great way for humans to communicate and express their thoughts.

I have located several moments from human history when humans (and a toy and a duckling) felt things were serious enough to exclaim that things are serious. Which one of the following do you feel best fits what you are trying to say? A, B, C or D?





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04 Jun 2023

reasonosaer wrote:
04 Jun 2023
I've noticed the moderators here have been trying to pretend to be actual moderators instead of foaming at the mouth defenders of all things RS recently but if they nuke this post or my whole account despite their pretentions don't worry.
We won't worry - it's not like it's not easy for you to come back under another account. Again.
Forum Helper wrote:
04 Jun 2023
My AI learning has taught me that animated gifs are a great way for humans to communicate and express their thoughts.
^^ Spotted the Boomer ^^

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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04 Jun 2023

rcbuse wrote:
03 Jun 2023
Just went though the whole process to make sure my ignition key was still working. Got R11 + rack extensions running on fresh install of zero-network windows 10. Ignition key still working after being in a drawer for 5+ years.
How do you went about the Rack Extensions? Did you just copy them over from an old computer? What folder is it that needs to be backupped?

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04 Jun 2023

DaveyG wrote:
04 Jun 2023
Right now I'm thinking about someone in the future asking AI a question and getting a completely bewildering analogy about Officer Codemeter and Officer Phonehome because the AI trawled through this site. Maybe it will even invent some more officers. Garbage in, garbage out. ... 09429467c5
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04 Jun 2023

challism wrote:
04 Jun 2023
DaveyG wrote:
04 Jun 2023
Right now I'm thinking about someone in the future asking AI a question and getting a completely bewildering analogy about Officer Codemeter and Officer Phonehome because the AI trawled through this site. Maybe it will even invent some more officers. Garbage in, garbage out. ... 09429467c5
In contrast, Alexa just said "I'm sorry. I don't know that one", which is a very, very common response from her.

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04 Jun 2023

reasonosaer wrote:
04 Jun 2023
I've noticed the moderators here have been trying to pretend to be actual moderators instead of foaming at the mouth defenders of all things RS recently but if they nuke this post or my whole account despite their pretentions don't worry. If we get a suit certified as a class-action which is relatively easy to do in this type of scenario I can force RS to turn over the contact information for the entire potentially affected class (aka, every single person in the U.S. who purchased any perpetual license version of Reason within a given time frame) so they can all be notified and invited to join by mail (you may have gotten one of those postcards before). I intend to make it as costly as possible for RS to force their U.S. based users into subscriptions if i cannot stop it altogether and i'm well familiar with this area of law and what it takes to fight this type of case (i can do it on my own time with my own resources).
It's weird that you have a thing about boomers, because this is the most boomer shit I've ever read

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04 Jun 2023

electrofux wrote:
04 Jun 2023
rcbuse wrote:
03 Jun 2023
Just went though the whole process to make sure my ignition key was still working. Got R11 + rack extensions running on fresh install of zero-network windows 10. Ignition key still working after being in a drawer for 5+ years.
How do you went about the Rack Extensions? Did you just copy them over from an old computer? What folder is it that needs to be backupped?
Yes, I copied them over on a USB stick.
C:\Users\rcbuse\AppData\Roaming\Propellerhead Software\RackExtensions>

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04 Jun 2023

challism wrote:
04 Jun 2023
DaveyG wrote:
04 Jun 2023
Right now I'm thinking about someone in the future asking AI a question and getting a completely bewildering analogy about Officer Codemeter and Officer Phonehome because the AI trawled through this site. Maybe it will even invent some more officers. Garbage in, garbage out. ... 09429467c5
Even ChatGPT realises what an injustice it is that Officer Codemeter got let go so suddenly and wants a happy ending where he gets to come back: ... e66d9bb501
Officer Codemeter, still grappling with his forced silence, received a call from the Chief, requesting his return to the police department. Hope and confusion mingled within him, and he eagerly donned his uniform once more. As he stepped onto the streets of Technoville, a wave of relief washed over him.

The citizens, initially surprised by his reappearance, quickly surrounded Officer Codemeter with open arms. Tears of joy streamed down their faces as they expressed their gratitude for his return. Officer Codemeter listened attentively to their concerns, promising to make amends and rebuild the trust that had been lost.

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04 Jun 2023

joeyluck wrote:
04 Jun 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
04 Jun 2023

I wasn't aware of any camps, or trying to fit people in them.
Then I read "If you don't like it, then move on, while the rest of us enjoy the fruits we don't mind paying for. We don't need to hear you screaming on the way out."

My position is simple. The flow of progress shall not be stopped. Yet, some can't keep up with its speed. They want to be reassured that everything will be alright. Maybe they can't afford to spend money right now, etc. Just sharing how they feel should not be interpreted as some kind of rejection of the product they own and love. Maybe for more than decades.

There is nothing wrong with the company RS to deliver their message in a way that make people feel safe in their investment, in their passion. That noise in counterproductive, especially if Reason is someone's only DAW. This not just about technical progress.

Why are we still here?
Because we love Reason.
Because a lot of us used to be omnipatient with RS.

And for those who are a bit sadden by the camp builders. Do not worry about them. They always fade away in the ether.

Enjoy your creativity.
Enjoy Life :puf_smile:
Well to be clear, that quote of "if you don't like it, move on" isn't from me.

And what I was referring to was you saying that "Some Reason users scratch their heads, others choose tribalism."
I am neither scratching my head or as you say 'choosing tribalism'. That's all I meant.
Well to be clear It is not about you. Never was. It is not even about the person who said it. That's why it wasn't a full quote with their name stamped with that quote, because it does not matter who said it.
A reminder to myself of the context of the thread: decisions made by [corporation] vs various reactions from their faithful customers.

To challenge ideas, not attacking people, is the universal path to goodness.
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04 Jun 2023

crimsonwarlock wrote:
04 Jun 2023
moneykube wrote:
04 Jun 2023
no matter what Mattias stated. :exclamation:
Strange that there are so many posts here on the forum about RE updates no longer auto-sync, and that you have to search the shop or go through all pages of your RE licenses to see if there is an update. People post here things like "if I didn't read here about the update, I would never know it, I did the sync-all thing, but that didn't update anything". In those discussions, I never saw someone reply to the contrary like you do here. So, you seem to have some special exception to the sync-all functionality :lol:

It's why I post to the forum when I see an update in the shop, as it got me a few times as well.
I have to and had to go looking for updates of racks in Reason 11, and now of course in Reason 12, just like you. Like I have said on many threads... On my main computer now running Reason 12.6 (the latest update), and in Reason 11> when this became an issue, I would have to find the update usually at the top of shop, or hear about it here. I individually have / or had to purchase the update for free, then update each rack , that needed updating , one at at time just like you. I appreciated the heads up, when a rack was updated and a post was made here on reason talk that told us, or I may indeed have missed a few updates. Once this process is done on the main computer, the secondary Reason 10 computer updates all the racks> using sync all , that I indeed had to do individually on the newer versions of reason. site and sync all > knows which ones were just updated individually, and which racks I own, and promptly downloads them as it has always done, often doing a whole batch of them> EVERY TIME (except when servers go down on weekends :clap: ). I have been doing it that way for years now with no problems at all. So... sir, you misunderstand what code meter> sync all , and authorizer> has been doing on my older reason 10 Mac computer setup. YES YOU ARE CORRECT> sync all does not work properly on reason 11 and 12 like I said. I know this well because of the time it took to upgrade my racks to hi-Rez in reason 12 ( it took 3 agonizing days !)> and then it took a shorter time> but it did take time, to update the racks , due to the recent M1 >12.6 update. I can't be any more clear bro. Once my account has them on my main computer and in my account... sync all works on the other computer using Reason 10, like it always has. In my opinion this should continue to work. If they leave sync all alone without updating or changing the page used to update... I see no reason why it should not continue to work as it has since Reason 10, 9. 8, and even 7... The requirements for ObjeKt say it needs Reason 10.1 or higher. Only reason 12 combinators would not work. So why make their most recent Rack, with a minimum requirement of 10.1, and then create an inability to update all the racks that have this requirement , after the deadline > off line with the ignition stick that still works, the authorization process that still works, and sync all , that still works? Objekt will likely have updates as well >knowing how this party works. I've been down this road many many times sir. They do not have to remove the ability to upgrade racks that say they will work in reason 10.1 when they were purchased, and be licensed for off line use. It is what I paid for. Bought with both machines in mind. Leave the option to sync all open. It seems that they just like to delete stuff like forums, and things that work for some users, that can actually and currently do what they have been doing for years with the exact same program and system with no changes. It makes no sense at all not to. Like I said, it is just a web page that is set up... There no need to delete the sync all option on the account products page at all, even if it does not work properly for Reason 11 or Reason 12... :? :re: I have purchased reason 12. Why should I be punished because they are forcing those who have not upgraded to upgrade or subscribe? The price was paid. Thread product should remain...
The product remains the same... or is that the song? ... d-playlist
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04 Jun 2023

edit ability now gone... surprise :clap: :lol:
Edit window size too small sigh....
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The products should remain the same, and function they way they were to function, under the terms they were purchased >>
The products remain the same... or is that the song remains the same ? :lol:

>>>Was what I tried to type at the end of the above text> Oh well. :puf_wink: ... d-playlist
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05 Jun 2023

For those on R12, hopefully they make some version of companion work for the perpetual users. It’s a considerable upgrade from codemeter as far as installing and updating REs

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05 Jun 2023

reasonosaer wrote:
04 Jun 2023
Reason Studios... {nothing to see here}.
You actually typed this and released it on the world?

Keep us informed of your progress with this :D

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05 Jun 2023

This is serious and those saying it isn't or making fun of those who've taken umbrage at it, shame on you.

It is a real disappointment that Reason Studios' have announced their intention to essentially make their old software online-only and their new software online-only in all but name (discounting the option to check your 12.6 license out for 12 months, which isn't really a proper offline authorised mode at all; it's a temporary not-online mode). It's disheartening to witness a company erode the rights and freedom of their paying customers. While I respect the opinions of those who support this decision, I find it troubling that blind loyalty is overriding the importance of customer satisfaction and usability.

First and foremost, let's acknowledge the fact that we, as customers, have paid a significant amount of money for the software. The ability to use it 100% offline, without any dependency on an internet connection, was a key feature that Reason has always had. This change effectively takes away our ability to fully control how we use the software we have purchased.

Some may say 'so what, I'm always on the internet; doesn't matter to me'. Others may argue that this move was necessary to combat piracy or to ensure the latest updates or to remove technical debt, but let's be realistic here. Dedicated pirates will always find a way to circumvent any online protection, and the inconvenience this imposes on legitimate customers far outweighs any benefits gained. Moreover, trying to force updates by removing technology many are dependant on without a like-for-like replacement is simply frustrating.

It is baffling to see some customers blindly supporting this decision, without considering the long-term implications. We should all strive for a balance between supporting a company we love and holding them accountable when they make choices that negatively impact our user experience. Accepting these changes without questioning them sends a dangerous message to the company – that they can disregard customer preferences and still maintain a loyal following. By simply accepting these changes without voicing our concerns, we unintentionally encourage future decisions that may further restrict our freedoms as paying customers.

Reason Studios' decision to make their software accessible only online is a step backward in terms of customer rights and usability. I urge everyone, even those who support this decision, to consider the bigger picture and engage in open dialogue with the company. Our collective voice has the power to influence positive change and ensure that our interests as paying customers are prioritised.

Let's stand together and strive for a software environment that respects our rights and freedom to use the products we've purchased in a way that aligns with our needs.

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