Reason output low compared to YouTube/Spotify

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03 Mar 2023

Hello all,

I’m trying to sort an issue and wonder if anyone else here has experienced it.

I find that the output of Reason is very low on my computer compared to YouTube and Spotify. I’ve got music that’s measuring from -12 to -8 LUFS in Reason (so should be plenty loud) but it doesn’t sound anywhere near as loud as the audio when I’m listening to YouTube or Spotify. Everything is outputting through the same audio interface so I’m not sure what the difference is, although I do have a hunch…

I noticed that Reason recommends monitoring using the control room output so that volume can be adjusted independently of the Master output. Currently I’m using an interface that only has two outputs so this doesn’t seem to be an option since volume adjustments on the control room output would affect my metering levels on the Big Meter.

Is my thinking correct here? Do I just need a better interface with more outputs?

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04 Mar 2023

No, you can make it as loud and shit as you want in the mix and master of your track.

But seriously you are comparing a creating environment, which is still in that mode to "finished" products on Spotify and YouTube, they are as loud as the artist wanted them.

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04 Mar 2023

No, doze, they are talking about something else. Has nothing to do with mastering...

My guess is in your system settings you have an audio mixer where you can set levels to different applications. On windows, at least, I'm aware this is possible. You should be able to turn those down to match your reason levels.

Note: this isn't normal. I don't have this issue and have never had the issue like you describe it. However I'm offering a workaround. In my system, the computer level is separate from the daw level. Turning windows up and down does not have an effect on my music program, cause the program is talking directly to the interface, not to windows.

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04 Mar 2023

PhillipOrdonez wrote:
04 Mar 2023
No, doze, they are talking about something else. Has nothing to do with mastering...

My guess is in your system settings you have an audio mixer where you can set levels to different applications. On windows, at least, I'm aware this is possible. You should be able to turn those down to match your reason levels.
No, you don't want your reason to be as loud as your YouTube/Spotify by default, sure check your system levels if they are all in sync, your Reason should be softer, till you set your levels, compressors etc.

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04 Mar 2023

doze wrote:
04 Mar 2023
PhillipOrdonez wrote:
04 Mar 2023
No, doze, they are talking about something else. Has nothing to do with mastering...

My guess is in your system settings you have an audio mixer where you can set levels to different applications. On windows, at least, I'm aware this is possible. You should be able to turn those down to match your reason levels.
No, you don't want your reason to be as loud as your YouTube/Spotify by default, sure check your system levels if they are all in sync, your Reason should be softer, till you set your levels, compressors etc.
If you read properly, they are already at mastering levels at the range of -12 to -8 LUFS.

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04 Mar 2023

There’s no way to know for sure unless you begin with comparing apples to apples. Upload the song from Reason to YouTube or Spotify, then use the output meters of your interface to compare the levels. What interface are you using, and what operating system?
Other things to check:
It’s not uncommon for there to be some sort of playback “enhancement” on the computer audio that can lead folks to believe there is a difference in the raw audio where there is none.
You can also export the Reason file and download the YouTube etc. file and compare them directly side by side to see if the difference is with the audio file or the playback system.
Let us know how it goes!
Selig Audio, LLC

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04 Mar 2023

PhillipOrdonez wrote:
04 Mar 2023
doze wrote:
04 Mar 2023

No, you don't want your reason to be as loud as your YouTube/Spotify by default, sure check your system levels if they are all in sync, your Reason should be softer, till you set your levels, compressors etc.
If you read properly, they are already at mastering levels at the range of -12 to -8 LUFS.
Yes, YouTube will adjust, his track to -14 LUFs... and bring it to the volume of others... so better to make your stuff good and the let Youtube do it's thing, just don't go over, then it will be brought down. Check the other tracks you were comparing to, and right click and select Stats for Nerds to see what has been done to the audio, ie normalized.

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04 Mar 2023

youtube and spotify tracks are completely mastered, your's I guess is not.

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