What is the lack of REASON?

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10 Mar 2019

boingy wrote:
09 Mar 2019
sleep1979 wrote:
09 Mar 2019
Listen 100% this is the reason ( no pun intended ) there are leas reason users than ableton , reason cant be cracked , ableton can and fl studio can very easy thats why they are top rated people are free loading them
Of course Reason can be cracked, it's just that no-one has done it yet. That, in itself, may tell you how niche Reason is hehe. :D
Yeah but its very hard to crack it and a lot of work otherwise people would have done it , version 5 is the last crackable version and most people dont want that it had no audio recording i didnt even look at reason until they incorporated audio, even cubase is stuck at version 5 but ableton live and fl studio every new version is cracked asap , and the young beginners with no money are gonna go for whats there , some people use reason 5 but vs the new version of ableton that program is ancient


10 Mar 2019

Wobbleburger wrote:
19 Feb 2019
Loque wrote:
19 Feb 2019
Cracks, serialz, warez...
Exactly. There are less Reason users because you have to... wait for it... pay for Reason.

Whereas anybody can download certain other DAWs in just an hour or so. So it's not that other DAWs are better... they're just more popular due to how easily people can steal it.
200% agree


10 Mar 2019

Creativemind wrote:
20 Feb 2019
scratchnsnifff wrote:
19 Feb 2019
Reason is. Great ecosystem for quickly making songs. But it lacks the advancements of recent years.

Midi editing is basic but gets the job done. Automation is available but is still using straight lines only, Iv long hoped for the ability ableton just received. Automation curves and the ability to save preset automation shapes

When it comes to their synths, they make some very inspirational synths. But they tend to release something and never go back and improve it. They sometimes add a feature here and there, but for example they finally make a Reason version of modern wavetable synthesis. They released it with only 16 wavetables and the ability to use env. 3-4 as a wave sequence/wave morning wave table.

They later add a few more modifiers and the ability of user tables. But they only let you use one user table? Weird but it’s still fun.

I think they need to make a synth, beta the synth. And if many users make a request, they need to wait on release for a little bit implement then beta once more and then release. This would save many users from always pounding requests when we could just be using Reason :p

Same with Thor. They make a semi modular workhorse. With 5 types of oscillators. Yet as time goes on they have left Thor as is. When they could revitalize Thor with a new oscillator type or filter type every now and again. A semi modular synth could be a developers playground to see what works with fans. Yet they seem to go one and done.

I don’t mean to sound negative but this is how I have viewed how PH goes about features and requests. They do listen, but sometimes they don’t go that extra mile, but they give enough that it’s worth the wait. It’s quite the doozy of an experience. I love what they do and in recent years PH has been more active with users and listening to requests so just to make that more clear, they have drastically improved in the user experience and request category
Yeah they'll add a feature that's very advanced, such as the Players or Pitch Correction whilst leaving other basic things out such as muting midi notes or autosave and you're right, many devices have been left as they are when a little improvement here and there could revitalise the device. Thor is one in my opinion.

What I also don't get is why they have to (so they said after the 10 release when they said they're listening) wait for a feature to be requested before they add it, or it seems that way. Why don't they just want to make it the best daw out there in terms of features and make it as capable as the likes of Logic, Ableton, Cubase, Reaper and FL Studio?
Because if thy sort all the things out in one version, why are people gonna upgrade so soon ? There is a reason (no pun again) companys drag things out and dont give u what you want straightaway , i mean they could go away for two or three years and come back sorting all the probelems out but they need a constant income so they will do it in bits x

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11 Mar 2019

Well yeah there is that but I think there is another Reason. :-)

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11 Mar 2019

jlgrimes wrote:
21 Feb 2019
exxx wrote:
19 Feb 2019
I still use REASON and think it's usable, but there are many DAWs in the world

There are various daws, and every DAW has its own characteristics.

However, some DAWs have a relatively large number of users.

In Korea I have very few users of Reason.

What parts of REASON are lacking?

I would like to hear from people who use REASON with other DAWs.
1. Performance

Reason 10 years ago was probably the most CPU efficient software out. Now with VSTs, audio, and REs, it is normal to get glitchy playback. Compare to other DAWS that worked out these issues years ago.

2. No track freeze.

Needed more than ever now.

3. Old GUI.

Reason 10 years ago looked pretty cool. Reason's three different views look totally different. Sequencer looks pretty decent. Mixer while clunky, looks ok. The Rack is pretty much unchanged and needs an update to match the high resolution monitors of today.

4. Clunky midi editor

Reason has improved here but some features like no paintbrush, good curve system, keybinding system, note muting still makes this area somewhat weak compared to like FL Studio.

5. Old effects

Reasons stock compressor and EQs are dated. SSL EQ is ok but it has limitations. Compare with EQ8 in Ableton with 8 bands, mid side, variety of curves. The compressors IMO are even more behind. While Pulversizer is great what is lacking is a good workhorse compressor with lookahead, self sidechaining, more variable knee.
Normally I can't stand most people's wants and "needs" in Reason compared to Ableton, but this is true guys. . .

I mean lets face it, I don't have to have this stuff here, but its what keeps Reason from being a #1 hit DAW. I'm not sure what props aim is at this point but if it wants to top other DAWs then it needs to focus.
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11 Mar 2019

Some of these I would never expect to see in Reaktor.
I will not be surprised if Reason does not add most of these features outside of rewiring.
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11 Mar 2019

Reason lacks in Mp3 export, or reading all audio formats (this should be really fundametal feature for a major DAW). For example you´re skipping through your samples, you might will find some unsupported sample formats and can´t preview or use them in any way, which totally sucks .. I also use FL Studio 20 and Studio one 4 prof. no problems with that in these DAWs.

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11 Mar 2019

No, that is
1: really unfair to Props, they are not as cynical as you suggest.
2: not a viable strategy for any high-tech company with strong competition.

If Props had huge resources I am sure they would update Reason much more often, but they are a small company. What people (including me) like to complain about is that their priorities for updates sometimes don't seem to agree with what users actually want or need.
sleep1979 wrote:
10 Mar 2019
Because if thy sort all the things out in one version, why are people gonna upgrade so soon ? There is a reason (no pun again) companys drag things out and dont give u what you want straightaway , i mean they could go away for two or three years and come back sorting all the probelems out but they need a constant income so they will do it in bits x

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12 Mar 2019

My 2 cents (and I don't want to tell you what Reason lacks, I tell you what it makes stand out):

1) quality stock instruments
2) lots of quality REs (that only run inside of Reason)
3) quality timestretching on audio tracks (I only find NI Machine 2.8 does a better job)
4) SSL-style mixer (I use it with Softube Console 1 in MIDI mode)
5) you can connect any cable everywhere and do routings that are impossible in other DAWs


12 Mar 2019

QVprod wrote:
20 Feb 2019
As far as instruments, I think some still have the mindset of before we had access to both RE and VST. Thor is actually better than the stock synths in most DAWs (barring Logic having Alchemy). Agreed that a update to it could be nice but I'm not sure if I would say Reason's lacking because of it. The common thing in most do in any other DAWis to buy specific synths you want. I think the main thing is the sequencer can be modernized. I don't think it's as horrible as some make it seem, but editing in Reason (particularly audio) is a bit slow. Audio editing is the main Reason I do all audio tasks in Studio One.
One thing that pissed me off is that i never bought alchemy and the soundpacks at the time , before they went , i have the cm player version with the sounds it comes with,
Apple stole it from me , barstards!


12 Mar 2019

Stupidity :)

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12 Mar 2019

Just a short break:

If you can create good music in Reason, then you can create good music in other DAWs
If you can´t create good music in Reason, then you can´t create good music in other DAWs

Now back to ordinary program

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12 Mar 2019

if you record bands with multiple musicians than Reason isn't exactly the best tool, but if you produce stuff as an individual, one track at a time it's great, and in my opinion is what it was originally designed for.

the one thing that reason lacks is a HUMAN capable of making a good track...so it's "you" that is the most important part of the equation.

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12 Mar 2019

I agree with the first reply. I want a way to perform live. I want to play guitar or sing live on stage with reason providing my background music. I want to be able to switch from verse to chorus on the fly. And dont tell me to use windows media player for this cause i want to loop on the outro until i'm satisfied.

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12 Mar 2019

exxx wrote:
19 Feb 2019
I still use REASON and think it's usable, but there are many DAWs in the world

There are various daws, and every DAW has its own characteristics.

However, some DAWs have a relatively large number of users.

In Korea I have very few users of Reason.

What parts of REASON are lacking?

I would like to hear from people who use REASON with other DAWs.
Every DAW you will find falls short in some areas.

There are some areas Reason managers to deliver on (one of the better Daws for included instruments, comping, pitch correction)

IMO here is what I think Reason falls short on:

1. Performance

2. Lack of Track Freeze.

3. Stock compressors EQs (Mclass devices) are a bit outdated compared to other DAWS. Not to say Reason has horrible compressors/EQs (Reason actually has pretty good character boxes). They just dont offer the level of control you would with let's say an Ableton compressor or EQ, or even a Reaper Reacomp or Reaeq.

4. Outdated GUI (this is more subjective)

5. Clunky mixer. (Also subjective but note how other DAWS mixers are more compact, and takes less real estate)

6. Clunky Piano Roll (Reason made improvements here but its workflow can still be a little kludgy IMO) Piano Rolls are highly debatable though.

7. Drag and drop still could be better. Sometimes I struggle with loading samples from browser or worse yet having to find missing samples.

8. Samplers could use an update.

9. Redrum/Kong could use an update.

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13 Mar 2019

A LoopCloud style file/patch browser would be awesome.

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13 Mar 2019

Keyboard shortcuts that make Reason piano roll bearable to use are Q & W
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14 Mar 2019

I feel like a lot of DAWs are always one step ahead of Reason. For example, they are currently improving VST perfomance while other DAWs do that already. I switched to Reaper and has been working for me because of all the potential that it hold, although it looks so simple. You should try other DAWs and see for yourself.

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14 Mar 2019

The main lacks in Reason, to me, are :

- A definitive Drum Machine / Sampler / Sequencer : Separate outputs, at least 64 steps sequencer, different time signatures for each track inside, full sample editing with ability to add fx to each part and bounce it as a drum sample

- A true sampler with its own edition window for editing, processing, slicing, mapping, looping etc...

- Some tweaking for Scales and Chords, with the abitliy to choose chords and intergrate them in a grid sequencer, and just a simple "strumming mode". Plus the ability to alternate single notes / chords in the same play (i. e. by assigning one octave to chords and the other to single notes). Kinda Auto Theory...

That's all for the synths / fx / content part. Apart from an upgrade of the factory selection, Reason 10 fits perfectly to me; If I want to achieve something special, i got plenty of RE / VST / Refills to dl or buy. But the core is enoguh for me.

- A better browser with no defocus bugs, tags, separate window

- A better midi and audio editing

- Some workflow improvement.

To me, that's the DAW part that deserve more attention

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14 Mar 2019

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14 Mar 2019

After reading all the comments so far, I think the 2 most important features that I agree with are:

Combinator Upgrade and Track Freeze.

My personal long time awaited is an indexed search of samples.

Having said that, when Reason implemented the most requested and resisted feature of all time, it turned out to be a mess (VST) after they listened to the majority of us.

I think we need to understand that they know their product much more than we do inside out, and we should be more understandable when certain decisions are taken.

Is it perfect? Which DAW is?

Does it hinder my creativity... Not at all, its the other way round.

My 2 cents.


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19 Mar 2019

Reason lacks users that don't measure it by the amount of its users but value it's qualities and differentiating functionality.

And auto punch in. :)

I opted to learn as much as possible from 1 single daw and it payed off through the years. The daw you use will always have something missing. Take reaper, it's the daw that grows more and listens to the users best and though it's the most uninspiring thing for songwriting. It uses a matrix for routing, it's powerful but again, no fricking moving cables. :)

In the end the tool that most inspires you is the one you should stick too.

Sent from my WAS-LX1A using Tapatalk

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25 Mar 2019

As an interface designer for apps and working as a freelancer in the software industry for 15 years i have to say that Reason lacks much on performance and UI which results in a bad workflow for the user. Besides this it is one of the most flexibel DAW also considering that there could be done way more on MIDI. The Noodles on the back were fun in 2000 but today they are a huge part of performance issues on Macs and a bad UI handle. Sometimes you just don't see if a plug is set or not because of noodles everywhere. Skeuomorphism is dead since years, they should refactor the GUI of the application and move it to the next stage. But i guess there is much, much legacy code in it which they don't want to touch because it would explode. But we see that there is a lot of happening and what they do is tough, merging everything external gear, VST, REs and so on is a complex product but it needs to be brought to the next level and be more useable.

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26 Mar 2019

Luckily, in DAW Reason there are always enough cables and they are always long enough.

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26 Mar 2019

4filegate wrote:
26 Mar 2019
Luckily, in DAW Reason there are always enough cables and they are always long enough.
other than those extremely short CV cables that come with Korg's Volcas.

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