Unusable, GUI lag, Reason 10.1.2d1

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19 Jul 2018

Hey all, I'm just getting back into producing, and I'm experiencing issues with Reason that weren't there a few years ago.

I'm running a session with only 13 tracks. On both my MBP and my Mac Pro, I'm experiencing almost 2 seconds of GUI lag while the track is playing. AKA, I click on something, I have to wait almost 2 seconds before I can move it. Kong pad clicks are extremely delayed. Using Echo's "roll" feature is completely unusable due to this. Changing volume accurately is almost impossible.

Any of you guys ran into the same issue? Propellerheads support went dark on me.

MBP 2017, macOS 10.13.6, 3.1Ghz, Radeon 555
Mac Pro 2009 (FW 5,1), macOS 10.13.6, 3.33Ghz 12-core, Nvidia GTX 1080ti, SSD

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20 Jul 2018

What is your audio buffer size?
Reason12, Win10

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22 Jul 2018

Most Mac users have found performance is much better when the application is run in 'Low-Resolution Mode'. Have you already tried that? It's available from the Info panel of the application when looking at it in Finder.

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23 Jul 2018

the low resolution mode method works, but damn... it looks really bad... I don't understand why propellerhead doesn't properly address this issue. the performance in reason has been horrible lately.

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15 Sep 2018

had the same issue and solved it by running low-fi mode. I guess it works but it shouldn't be a burden to 2gb graphics card to run that smoothly. It's gotta be that, because my CPU barely feels it.

My question is why now? I didn't have the issue a few months ago, even in normal mode at full Macbook Pro resolution(2800x1800) unless I had a bunch of effects running.

Have you tested if it makes a difference when running 2800x1800?

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15 Sep 2018

I will never run Reason in low-res mode. It's an headache-inducing blurry mess. If I had to run Reason in low-res mode for it to "work" (barely better), I'd just give up on it. Let's hope the upcoming performance update will deliver and not just on the VST front...

edit : Try repairing your mac permissions files and check your SSD or HD's. In recent OS X you have to reboot your computer to access this. It may help. It certainly always helps me a lot with Ableton and general performance. Basically it gets your mac back to factory speed.

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