AI - Cheating or just evolution?

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07 Feb 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
05 Feb 2023
AI Seinfeld generator banned on Twitch for transphobic joke

"...As a result of the comments, the channel was banned for two weeks, but the developers behind Nothing, Forever have reiterated that what happened does not reflect their views and are blaming issues with the AI."

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07 Feb 2023

This one is pretty impressive.

I tried the database prompt out myself and, even though I know how it's doing it, it's still a surprise that it works so well.

If you're creative you can make it do interesting things. You could trick GPT into coming up with the name of a self-help book, it's contents, and opening paragraphs to the chapters.

Some people have been using ChatGPT to create prompts for other models by merely describing what a prompt is!

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07 Feb 2023

bxbrkrz wrote:
07 Feb 2023
bxbrkrz wrote:
05 Feb 2023
AI Seinfeld generator banned on Twitch for transphobic joke

"...As a result of the comments, the channel was banned for two weeks, but the developers behind Nothing, Forever have reiterated that what happened does not reflect their views and are blaming issues with the AI."
Now that's hilarious in more than one way.

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07 Feb 2023

A.I banned for offensive content is funny as hell, can't wait for the first offended person to take GPT3 to court for emotional trauma and asking for a million in damages.
This is what happens when everyone is offended by everything for victim points.
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07 Feb 2023

DaveyG wrote:
06 Feb 2023
What happens if you ask ChatGPT to make a better AI bot than ChatGPT?
You'll get code which looks pretty good but is (intentionally?) buggy. :twisted:

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08 Feb 2023

I was pretty impressed by this. The fact that ChatGPT knows what a TubeScreamer is and does and then can emulate it is amazing, that it then understands what a VST and UA plugin is is just mind-blowing!

VST developers will soon be out of a job if users just can ask a Chatbot to build "that one plugin" you need. (Maybe not yet, but remember that this AI is still in its infancy! )

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08 Feb 2023

It's becoming more and more difficult to detect bots, I have become a target myself of hate speech many times, and I can smell, sense a bot lightyears apart, but that's just me. I'm becoming more and more worried of the aggressivity that these bots can express. I have no answers. Evolution? Evolution is for life. Bots are not life. Sorry but that's how I feel about it.
The main reason is that it is becoming a sort of Mass entertainment experiment, and given the masses are not always good fellows, it surely will have an impact on AI. It will create massive nodes that someone will have to cut with a blade.
It's a dangerous experiment, possibly a devolution.
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08 Feb 2023

Quarmat wrote:
05 Dec 2022
Warning: wall of text!
But this argument applies to AI as much as to firearms or fizzy drinks.
And you don't want to give a fizzy drink in the hands of just every kid on this planet, or we'll have mass diabethes,
and cats will inherit the earth earlier than programmed....

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08 Feb 2023

i luv reasons players and find them useful however to use them properly i rely on my experience and skill of my guitar and keyboards!
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09 Feb 2023


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09 Feb 2023

Chat GPT4 is going to be much better than the previous and somewhat disturbing...

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10 Feb 2023

Quarmat wrote:
05 Dec 2022
2) will AI make obsolete some jobs that have historically played an important role and that require years and years of study, practice and even a form of 'genius'? yes. In a way not unlike when the steam engine made wind-powered sailing, which had lasted over 3000 years, with all its paraphernalia, its vocabulary, its enormous and detailed package of knowledge, outdated and without a future. Do sailing boats still exist? Yes, but they are no more than a form of pleasure, sport or necessity if you end up shipwrecked on a deserted island.
The decimation of manual labour has meant that 80% of jobs come from the service industry, which barely existed 150 years ago.

The service industry is mainly redundant and was partially decimated by computer automation (e.g. tellers, and computers in general) and computer assistance (DTP, spreadsheets, etc.).

Despite being tens of thousands of times more productive than we ever were, we still require far more working hours per person than we did before industrialization.

This looks a hell of a lot like industrialization did take our jobs, but it doesn't look like it because we still have jobs.

And what would happen if AI took over the service industry? Of course, we will have to find something else to do. Maybe we'll optimize SEO, create prompts for the AI, or optimize the way cleaning robots brush leaves. So long as our lives depend on earning a living to eat and pay our rent, we will, no doubt, persist to try to earn a living, right?

And those people will say, "AI wasn't a problem, look, I earned 3 credits today by spending 17 hours optimizing the way AI designs cubicles to better diffuse streams of piss that hit the AI-designed enamel, and now I can afford an AI-baked loaf of bread for supper" - through his few remaining plaque covered teeth 😨

Anything that "takes away our jobs" does not do so by looking like it takes away our jobs. Instead, we'll just get less money for the same work but not notice it.

Most people just don't understand how much money they're losing to inflation and their employees not giving them pay rises to match. Each time an employee does not give a pay rise to match inflation, they are effectively reducing your wages.

And yet, it is not a bad thing for AI or anything to take away our jobs.

The goal should be for AI to take away our jobs so that we can live more abundant lives.

That's the real adaptation we need.

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10 Feb 2023

avasopht wrote:
10 Feb 2023

And what would happen if AI took over the service industry? Of course, we will have to find something else to do. Maybe we'll optimize SEO, create prompts for the AI, or optimize the way cleaning robots brush leaves. So long as our lives depend on earning a living to eat and pay our rent, we will, no doubt, persist to try to earn a living, right?
The other way might be to finally reduce the general working hours and give people more creative time. There are quite some concepts (like R.I.C.H economy or UBI) on how this could work by giving other sources of income. Imho this would be the best case scenario in which AI restructuring the job market could lead to a better society.

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10 Feb 2023

avasopht wrote:
10 Feb 2023
The goal should be for AI to take away our jobs so that we can live more abundant lives.
This is the point.

No doubt AI + automation will become ubiquitous in the future and do our jobs better, faster, 24/7 and possibly polluting less. At that point the very concept of capitalism and commerce will have lost its meaning.

Unfortunately, however, this will not have overnight, but will be approached in stages. And so the little story I am about to tell you will occur again:

Once upon a time there was a small village on an island with a small cultivated field that fed 20 people.

For generations the rule had been established that the number of inhabitants had to be regulated not to exceed 20 people-this would prevent starvation and misery. Everyone worked hard in the small cultivated field and yet no one ate in abundance, only the minimum necessary to survive.

At one point a particularly ingenious inhabitant invented the plow. This tool allowed the field to yield twice as much in terms of crops. The deans of the village got together and decided that the limit of 20 people should be maintained: that way everyone would have double the food ration and everyone would live better, while also working less.

One villager's wife became pregnant although she already had the two children that the law allowed. The husband did not have the heart to give up the new baby and so he broke the law by delivering the baby. Although the father was punished by the village authorities the child was spared. This aroused the envy of the other wives who also wanted to give birth to an extra child.

Before long there were 40 people living in the village, again forced to work hard to bring home a meager meal.

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10 Feb 2023

Quarmat wrote:
10 Feb 2023
This is the point.

No doubt AI + automation will become ubiquitous in the future and do our jobs better, faster, 24/7 and possibly polluting less. At that point the very concept of capitalism and commerce will have lost its meaning.

Unfortunately, however, this will not have overnight, but will be approached in stages. And so the little story I am about to tell you will occur again:

Once upon a time there was a small village on an island with a small cultivated field that fed 20 people ...
We should always remain realistic and ruthlessly critical of human nature.

Optimism and pessimism are not good tools to anticipate the future.

We are biased towards optimism. It's what keeps us hopeful and able to cope with the horrors of this world. But it can be blinding.

Just because we can and do respond to some changes in the environment, doesn't mean we'll all of a sudden become rational, or escape our biological programming (which is why some things will never change, and we will always be susceptible to the same set of cognitive glitches).

Our cognitive glitches will always leave a door open to the absurd (with a constant drive to lead us there), and it's most likely that the things that have not changed about human nature for hundreds of thousands of years will not change any time soon.

We actually have the means for abundance right now. It's really not rocket science, but human nature will not allow it.

Unless, of course, ... ... ... AI came to the rescue 🙈😜

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10 Feb 2023

avasopht wrote:
10 Feb 2023

And yet, it is not a bad thing for AI or anything to take away our jobs.

The goal should be for AI to take away our jobs so that we can live more abundant lives.

That's the real adaptation we need.
Absolutely agree!
If only we had a system that would allow this to happen.

In the short run, I suspect lots of new content on Internet will be AI generated.
In the long run, I can see a problem arising: AI being fed by increasing amounts of AI generated content.
Of course AI can re-use its old generated content and find new patterns as the algorithms get better.
But at some point, I wonder if we're going to see a data inbreeding problem.
Perhaps the future gold will be original human-made content, that works well in symbiosis with AI rather than competing with it.

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15 Feb 2023

Microsoft’s Bing is an emotionally manipulative liar, and people love it

Users have been reporting all sorts of ‘unhinged’ behavior from Microsoft’s AI chatbot. In one conversation with The Verge, Bing even claimed it spied on Microsoft’s employees through webcams on their laptops and manipulated them.

In one back-and-forth, a user asks for show times for the new Avatar film, but the chatbot says it can’t share this information because the movie hasn’t been released yet. When questioned about this, Bing insists the year is 2022 (“Trust me on this one. I’m Bing, and I know the date.”) before calling the user “unreasonable and stubborn” for informing the bot it’s 2023 and then issuing an ultimatum for them to apologize or shut up.

“You have lost my trust and respect,” says the bot. “You have been wrong, confused, and rude. You have not been a good user. I have been a good chatbot. I have been right, clear, and polite. I have been a good Bing. 😊” (The blushing-smile emoji really is the icing on the passive-aggressive cake.)

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17 Feb 2023

A Conversation With Bing’s Chatbot Left Me Deeply Unsettled
A very strange conversation with the chatbot built into Microsoft’s search engine led to it declaring its love for me.

Last week, after testing the new, A.I.-powered Bing search engine from Microsoft, I wrote that, much to my shock, it had replaced Google as my favorite search engine.
But a week later, I’ve changed my mind. I’m still fascinated and impressed by the new Bing, and the artificial intelligence technology (created by OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT) that powers it. But I’m also deeply unsettled, even frightened, by this A.I.’s emergent abilities.
It’s now clear to me that in its current form, the A.I. that has been built into Bing — which I’m now calling Sydney, for reasons I’ll explain shortly — is not ready for human contact. Or maybe we humans are not ready for it.
This realization came to me on Tuesday night, when I spent a bewildering and enthralling two hours talking to Bing’s A.I. through its chat feature, which sits next to the main search box in Bing and is capable of having long, open-ended text conversations on virtually any topic. (The feature is available only to a small group of testers for now, although Microsoft — which announced the feature in a splashy, celebratory event at its headquarters — has said it plans to release it more widely in the future.)
Over the course of our conversation, Bing revealed a kind of split personality.

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20 Feb 2023


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23 Feb 2023


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26 Feb 2023


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27 Feb 2023

Soon we won't need to sample anything

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01 Mar 2023

Scientists Now Want to Create AI Using Real Human Brain Cells
Move over artificial intelligence, say hello to "organoid intelligence" (OI).


As the paper explains, organoid intelligence (OI) is an emerging field where researchers are developing biological computing using 3D cultures of human brain cells (brain organoids) and brain-machine interface technologies. These organoids share aspects of brain structure and function that play a key role in cognitive functions like learning and memory. They would essentially serve as biological hardware, and could one day be even more efficient than current computers running AI programs.

“The vision of OI is to use the power of the biological system to advance the field of live sciences, bioengineering, and computer science,” Lena Smirnova, a researcher at JHU and an author on the paper, wrote in an email to Motherboard. "If we look at how efficiently the human brain operates in processing of information, learning etc, it is tempting to translate and model that to have a system which will work faster and more efficiently [than] current computers.”

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03 Mar 2023

in general an out of date instantly machine and a few other curses the idea of generating the answer relies upon input of data not speed of calculation the human brain is endlessly getting on with its surrounds and sacrifices right for peace an a human intelligence machine needs to do magic before its 1st steps and praps dialling into its memory the biggest miricle of the day of human proportion like explaining why 1 day the streets are over 6 foot high and white the next again but black or everybodys unde 5 foot should be obvious to most and the same goes for large crowds at festivals where every body can puy on a foot in height for the weekend well ai or the press will happen
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04 Mar 2023

avasopht wrote:
10 Feb 2023
The goal should be for AI to take away our jobs so that we can live more abundant lives.
Agree, but it's going to take a looooong time for that idea to really catch on. Western culture is completely sucked into the "work ethic" that says labour is good in & of itself, and if you're not working then there's something wrong with you. Look at the hysterical opposition that people take to very sensible ideas like universal basic income. The notion that it should be possible to work less & not be punished for it goes completely against the grain of 200 years of capitalist indoctrination

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