Loopcloud 2.0 a true game changer especially for Reason users
Loopmasters has released Loopcloud 2.0. They say it is a game changer. Is it really? Watch the promo video before you get my take on it!
So, I have been using Loopcloud 2.0 for a few weeks and in my opinion it is quite dope. The VST plugin that pipes the sound into your DAW works flawlessly in Reason and makes finding loops or oneshot samples in the context of an ongoing project a joy. Besides the 10 things listed in the video below, I would like to add one more. A quite important one for Reason users I would say, that it plays back of Rex loops perfectly in time and synced to beat (For some reason Reason is not capable of doing this). And it is even better than this if it comes to Rex loops. One can drag and drop the desired Rex file onto a DrOctoRex, bamm magic. Moreover, Loopcloud plans to allow users to add their own samples (including your Rex files) to the App in the near future. This means that one will be able to categorise their own sample library by adding tags such as instrument type, genre, key etc. and use the Loopcloud App to browse for the perfect loop or sample. And if these wouldn`t be enough, Loopmasters regularly adds free samples and it is up to you whether you want claim them or not. To make it ever more tempting it doesn`t cost a penny to try Loopcloud, so what are you waiting for? Give it a try!