No more rack extensions

This forum is for discussing Rack Extensions. Devs are all welcome to show off their goods.
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23 May 2015

Apart form a filter unit ( possibly d - filter ) and a mastering plugin ( most likely onyx ) I will not be purchasing any more rack extensions. I have just deleted all of the rack extensions which are currently on sale as I have everything I need and will only be supporting the guys who make refills. I have made this decision based on the authoriser system which has been a plague to my reason sessions. Even though my machine is authorised , new licenses must be downloaded and there lies the issue. When i do not download new licenses , only stock reason devices are available for use. I will not ask why and will not be submitting a ticket to props about this ,as it is obvious that this is something which they are not interested in adressing. I will also not be upgrading to the latest version of reason and neither will i be encouraging anybody i know who is interested in making tunes to go for a product like reason, especially when they ask me which programme i use. Yes , it is fun to use but not fun at all when u want to use it when u choose to and authoriser does not allow you to. Reaper seems to be the next best affordable option for me. Especially with all the free VST plugins available through CM magazine , BPM blog and so on.In the past I had a lot of good things to say but it seems that now my attitude is changing. I now understand why some users are negative. Hopefully in the next day or week when authoriser finally works, I will be committed to not try any new rack extensions indefinitely.I will make do with what I possess. I have done without plugins in the past and will be able to do so for a long time to come.My first upgrade after reason 2.5 was 7.1. I am patient and can wait and do not need the latest plugins in order to do my work. other options like Reaper do not require me to be logged in. i have punched in the serial number which they provided once... and that was it. Good to go and i can install VST's to my hearts content without any issues whatsoever. Just copy/paste the dll into the folder and there you go. It is as easy as taking a piss when u have had too much to drink. No effort on the pissers behalf, only if you intend to keep it in , but why the hell would you?

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23 May 2015

How Wonderful it is to not have to log in and download licenses. After deleting all of the rack extensions on trial, Reason launches instantly.

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23 May 2015

This is only appearing when you turn a trial RE license into a full license. Sure, your main Reason is authorized, but REs have 2 ways of running and Authorizer manages them, also for you to not have to login for trial licenses to run.

REAPER is a fine choice, but imagine a full system reinstall with a REAPER + plug-in system, with all the licensing, emails, serials to enter etc. you would have there. If you would get into commercial plug-ins that is and all the different protection systems used there. In my book, it's a lot easier to have one application manage all for you, but that might be just me. Sorry to hear you're having issues or you don't like the way of licensing management. My Reason installation does launch instantly as well, with REs. It's pretty much a one-click process, unless you keep trialing like a champ!  ;)

In the end, REAPER is a great DAW, but Reason is a whole different system / environment and also much more fun even without REs. :)

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23 May 2015

psychasm wrote:Apart form a filter unit ( possibly d - filter ) and a mastering plugin ( most likely onyx ) I will not be purchasing any more rack extensions. I have just deleted all of the rack extensions which are currently on sale as I have everything I need and will only be supporting the guys who make refills. I have made this decision based on the authoriser system which has been a plague to my reason sessions. Even though my machine is authorised , new licenses must be downloaded and there lies the issue. When i do not download new licenses , only stock reason devices are available for use. I will not ask why and will not be submitting a ticket to props about this ,as it is obvious that this is something which they are not interested in adressing. I will also not be upgrading to the latest version of reason and neither will i be encouraging anybody i know who is interested in making tunes to go for a product like reason, especially when they ask me which programme i use. Yes , it is fun to use but not fun at all when u want to use it when u choose to and authoriser does not allow you to. Reaper seems to be the next best affordable option for me. Especially with all the free VST plugins available through CM magazine , BPM blog and so on.In the past I had a lot of good things to say but it seems that now my attitude is changing. I now understand why some users are negative. Hopefully in the next day or week when authoriser finally works, I will be committed to not try any new rack extensions indefinitely.I will make do with what I possess. I have done without plugins in the past and will be able to do so for a long time to come.My first upgrade after reason 2.5 was 7.1. I am patient and can wait and do not need the latest plugins in order to do my work. other options like Reaper do not require me to be logged in. i have punched in the serial number which they provided once... and that was it. Good to go and i can install VST's to my hearts content without any issues whatsoever. Just copy/paste the dll into the folder and there you go. It is as easy as taking a piss when u have had too much to drink. No effort on the pissers behalf, only if you intend to keep it in , but why the hell would you?

I know, it's stopped me in my tracks too, you are not alone. Reason was dormant for me for two months due to overwhelming illness, and when i opened it the other day, the first thing i did was update some RE's to their latest version. The all too familiar authoriser problems that have plagued me for years happened on my very first return start up. License failed to download, stalled at 90%, lost use of all RE's. Props do not care *at all* about this, and I will simply not listen to anyone who says otherwise, as the problem started in 2012 and is a problem on their server end. They just don't care.

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electrochoc (PRX-A)
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23 May 2015

Isn't it possible to set Reason so that the Rack Extensions do not update automatically? Is that issue still there when you're offline?

On Reason 6.5 (which I'm on), those things are not an issue because you have to manually update the ignition key...

By the way, Theo, glad to see you back! I noticed you disappeared for about two months, and was wondering what happened to you...
This comment is provided courtesy of PRX-A!

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23 May 2015

Just submitted a ticket to Propellerhead regarding this very (painful) issue. I complained public ally on the Props FB page and they replied advising me to do so ...... For what it's worth!! The irony is that Props are always banging on about workflow, and they are right to do so. Buts it's being stifled by the handicapped Authorizer process. It's shit! :frown:

Dan Topic
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23 May 2015

I had just one small issue and wrote to PH support. They helped me immediatelly. I found them very helpful.
BTW, have you tried to log in to you PH account at their website, clicked on Products / Rack extensions / and then SYNC ALL?

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23 May 2015

My sync REs or any license update fails countless times b4 success. Was 2.5 h the other night! Frustrating! I just put some music on now and leave plenty of time. Crap tho'.

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23 May 2015

If i have issues, i just close the authorizer, reopen it and do sync all.

But one thing i agree on is the whole trial system is a pain, and how you get locked out if you put your machine on sleep and forget, then open reason on another machine.
3 times then you have to email them, its a bit of a worry, really! Why can't they just recognize you are logged in somewhere else and say "nope, sorry!"

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23 May 2015

i've never had a problem with this.  are you guys just using massive amounts of rack extensions?  i probably have about a dozen or so on my account.

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23 May 2015

Dan Topic wrote:BTW, have you tried to log in to you PH account at their website, clicked on Products / Rack extensions / and then SYNC ALL?
Yes. Whichever way I try 'writing licenses' in Authorizer takes forever and a day. The process often stops siting Internet Connection problems as the issue! No Internet connection problems here. If there is it's only affecting Authorizer. It's bloody painful.

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23 May 2015

zakalwe wrote:i've never had a problem with this.  are you guys just using massive amounts of rack extensions?  i probably have about a dozen or so on my account.
Quite a few RE's here. Authorizer appears to write licenses for all of them each time (I think this is what's happening). So the more you have the worse it gets.

I'm interested in what someone said earlier about trial RE's. Maybe this is adding to the problem? I wonder if I remove all try RE's and betas the Authorizer will work better or less often?

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23 May 2015

Tincture wrote:My sync REs or any license update fails countless times b4 success. Was 2.5 h the other night! Frustrating! I just put some music on now and leave plenty of time. Crap tho'.
2.5hrs?! Christ! Mine takes about 20 - 30 minutes but often 2 or 3 attempts before it actually works without the 'internet connection problem' bullshit.

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23 May 2015

Tincture wrote:My sync REs or any license update fails countless times b4 success. Was 2.5 h the other night! Frustrating! I just put some music on now and leave plenty of time. Crap tho'.

yep hours here too has been a more than regular occurrence. I feel your pain and sorry anyone else is going through it, as tbh, i had hoped it was just an anomaly with my machine.

The first time i realised it was from their end was when i investigated my connection and dropouts because the authoriser blames the user connection when it happens. I had had zero dropouts.

I then deleted my large RE's (the guitars) from my HDD (bear with me for the reason why, no pun), and added a trial to my DL page of a new RE. I then pressed sync all, and the guitars started downloading at full speed, and the license started updating at the same time. The entire guitar files downloaded at a full 1500 k+ per second without *any* pause whatsoever, yet the license update failed. This was when I realised, the problem was not with my connection, nor propellerheads general server, but specifically and only their authorisation server on their end.

To others that have made various suggestions, thank you, but I can promise you, all of us who have been affected by this issue have tried everything humanly possible from sync to removing and reinstalling all licenses to reformats and fresh reason installs, to no firewall or AV software to contacting props. etc.. i can confidently say I truly believe we have tried all we can to get our systems working properly.

And I too find the irony in the better workflow comment. Because we waste so much time just to get the licenses download working, that we could have been using making music.

We just need to face facts if we want to keep using Reason : this will always be this way cause that's just props.. like no RE transfer, a slowdown on new major reason features, no fixes to the auth server,  etc. It's either take it or leave it, i have conceded to that now. They are a funny company but as with all of us here, i too love reason, so i bear it (and because of the investment of course, LOL!

To electrochoc, thanks so much for the re-welcome. I had had two large lumps cut out of my back and one of them got seriously infected, and i had 5 courses of antibiotics.. The problem was i actually couldn't put any pressure on my back and rest it on anything, it hurt that much, so I spent all my time either walking a bit for exercise or lying on my side. I did at least manage to get some music done with figure and garageband ipad :) Now i can load all those into reason and logic respectively, so all is good :) The IK multimedia BT iloud has never come in more useful LOL!

Cheers everyone :) Glad to be back. Missed you all.

Edit: grammar and spelling.

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23 May 2015

yhea there was several warnings many time about beta and trials making such stuff back on the PUF ,
if you have these troubles you supposed to un-instal them , clean cache and cookies or (and) something else .
I never had any troubles ,only once it sayed something when I upgraded my w8 to w8.1 so I un-instaled and re-instaled everything and never had troubles since then .
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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23 May 2015

Add me to the list of people who expierience continuos problems with authorizer.. Every damn time. I even had to reinstall reason once and made a post on this forum about that. Crap system that needs fixing
:reason: :record: :re: :ignition: :refill: :PUF_take: :PUF_figure:

Dan Topic
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23 May 2015

Do you use F-secure antivirus? Because there are known issues in conjunction with Reason. If so, try to disable it.

Dan Topic
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23 May 2015

Also you can try another web browser. And check what version of the Authorizer application you are running. It should be 2.8

Dan Topic
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23 May 2015

Have you performed system changes?

If you have authorized your computer for offline use, and are planning to:
  • Reinstall your operating system or perform a system restore
  • Move or replace hardware components in your computer.
You have to deauthorize it first.

Dan Topic
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23 May 2015

Hope something helps you ;)

Competition Winner
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23 May 2015

Funny, I have the exact opposite. Every time I reinstall my operating system I'm always in awe of how easy it is to sync rack extensions without any effort.

No fishing around for licences, emails containing download links, installation CD's, activation for each plugin, plus the lengthy installation process when you have a handful of different plugins from different developers.

Though I understand there are issues for some, particularly with regards to unfriendly anti virus software :)

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23 May 2015

Running without RE's that need Reason to login (TRY or beta RE's) makes a difference, as long as your previously donwloaded RE's have already been authorized. I've also had problems with Authorizer when I've bought a new RE ....... here we go again!! :-/

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23 May 2015

I have a lot of REs. Nearly 100 (on paper money). This is def. part of the problem but shouldn't be. Why should I be penalised for being an in debt major Props contributor? Put your debt prejudice aside...

It's just crap! I'd be interested to know the size (Mb/Gb) of my license? I reckon I get 500Mb/s and perhaps 150Mb/s at my best and worst transfer rates... yet it fails after 1/2hr... again and again. Yes, Reason 7.1.1..

Dr Annoyed.

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23 May 2015

you guys start to scare me up LOL , I would not like such creepy experience using Reason and would have gone mad a long time ago .
It does not die , it multiplies !

 7.101 and I will upgrade maybe this summer .

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23 May 2015

CharlyCharlzz wrote: you guys start to scare me up LOL , I would not like such creepy experience using Reason and would have gone mad a long time ago .
Good job you're backwoods Charly!

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