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Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 10 Apr 2019
by NekujaK
The latest Omnisphere update works fine in Reason... until I try to delete an instance from the rack. Then two error messages appear - the first is Reason's standard VST plugin crash message, followed by a message saying there's some kind of "read error".

Is anyone else experiencing this?

There are a handful of VSTs that crash when deleting them from the rack, I hope Omnisphere isn't joining their ranks :(

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 10 Apr 2019
by WillyOD
There's a ticket in the (Reason) beta, apparently it's caused by Omnisphere 2.6 and it's not working at the moment even in the beta.

Solution? Never delete it ;D

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 10 Apr 2019
by BananaSkins
NekujaK wrote:
10 Apr 2019
The latest Omnisphere update works fine in Reason... until I try to delete an instance from the rack. Then two error messages appear - the first is Reason's standard VST plugin crash message, followed by a message saying there's some kind of "read error".

Is anyone else experiencing this?

There are a handful of VSTs that crash when deleting them from the rack, I hope Omnisphere isn't joining their ranks :(
Just a thought; why don't you try cut instead of delete?

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 22 Apr 2019
by groggy1
This crash is still happening, so just want to see if others can confirm the behavior I'm seeing.

Setup: Windows PC with Reason 10.3 + Omnisphere 2.6

NOTE: This crash did NOT happen with Omnisphere 2.5. Only started happening with 2.6

Repro steps:
1) Add a new instance of Omnisphere 2.6 to the Reason rack
2) Open the Omnisphere VST GUI
3) Close the Omnisphere GUI by pressing the "X" in the upper-right-hand-corner of the VST window
4) Right-click on the Omnisphere wrapper in the Reason rack, and select "Delete Devices and Tracks"
Expect: Omnisphere is properly deleted
ACTUAL: Get a Reason error-message: "VST Plugin Crash: The plugin in the device "Omnisphere 1" crashed...<snip>

Note that if I NEVER OPEN the Omnisphere VST GUI, and just delete the Omnisphere wrapper in the Reason rack after step #1 above, NO CRASH.

Note that if I do the repro steps above, but skip step #3 (i.e. leave the Omnisphere GUI open while deleting the VST wrapper in the Reason rack, NO CRASH.

So net-net, it seems that the crash is somehow related to opening the Omnisphere GUI, *closing it*, and then later trying to delete the Reason VST Wrapper for Omnisphere. Didn't happen with Omnisphere 2.5.

100% repro for me. I'm curious who else reproes above, and who doesn't see it?

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 22 Apr 2019
by boggg1
Same for me, Windows 10 laptop.

Tried interrogating Windows Event viewer without luck, nothing traceable reported.
Interestingly if you delete Omnisphere a second time IT seems to disappear without a problem, although this is just a work around and there may be other problems I don't know about. Nothing so far though.

CUT makes no difference, same effect.

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 22 Apr 2019
by KarmaFunkarma
Same on MacOS 10.13.6

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 22 Apr 2019
by hurricane
Yup, happens on my system too.

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 22 Apr 2019
by groggy1
Thank you to the folks that confirmed they’re hitting this issue. If anyone else hitting it, please reply so I can send the #s to Soectrasonics in my support ticket to them.

Also, if anyone with omnisphere 2.6 does NOT hit this, that would be useful info too.

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 30 Apr 2019
by DavyB
I can confirm this issue -

I'm running Omnisphere 2.6 and Reason 10.3 on Windows 8.

Closing the Omnisphere GUI after opening the vst crashes Reason

Only happened after I ran the 10.3 upgrade.

I also ran into a problem running the Ultranova editor vst which also causes Reason to crash after 10.3 upgrade.

Both were working fine in 10.2.

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 30 Apr 2019
by PeZiK
Out of curiosity, can you hardware synth control the Omnisphere software synths inside Reason? I have a lot of hardware synths that is supported by Omnisphere but not willing to spend this kind of money if the crippled Reason MIDI is not making any connection between software and hardware. Anyone?

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 07 May 2019
by Michaellos
DavyB wrote:
30 Apr 2019
I can confirm this issue -

I'm running Omnisphere 2.6 and Reason 10.3 on Windows 8.

Closing the Omnisphere GUI after opening the vst crashes Reason

Only happened after I ran the 10.3 upgrade.

Exactly the same on Windows 7. Omnisphere 2.6 crashes Reason 10.3 periodically

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 28 May 2019
by TAZ
Same crash and error on my 2017 Macbook Pro running Reason 10.4d4 on Mojave 10.14.5. So frustrating. On the bright side, I found this thread! So, now I know I don't have to keep banging my head against a wall trying to fix it.

Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 17 Aug 2019
by VIVIsect
Found this thread after experiencing the same issue. Windows 10, latest versions of Reason/Omnisphere. It doesn't crash Reason itself, only the plugin (for me at least), and after getting the error I'm then able to delete Omnisphere with no problem. Still really annoying. No issues at all with Omnisphere in Ableton Live.


Re: Omnisphere 2.6 Crashing

Posted: 24 Jan 2020
by groggy1
Note: With latest version of reason, this Omnisphere bug is STILL happening. So annoying!

I never heard back from Omnisphere support after they told me that the issue would be sent to the dev team to investigate.

The best workaround I can recommend: Before trying to delete Omnisphere, try re-opening the UI and THEN deleting it.
As long as the Omnisphere UI is open while you delete it, then there's no crash and all is good