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Yep! It’s here. 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by MrFigg

Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by MattiasHG
I'm extremely happy and proud to announce Reason 11! It's quite a doozy, so check out the double videos and the website:

Here' the what's new page for additional info:
There's a lot I could personally say too, so here's a link to my blog post on Reason 11 where I do just that: ... ct-manager

Hope you like it! :)

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by jetpilot00

Thank you, and your team, for all the hard work. I think this vision is going to be extremely popular.




I see Reason Rack is VST 3. Does that mean Reason 11 supports VST 3 now as well? I didn’t see any mention on the website.


Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Mich01
Wow Matthias,

That looks great. Congrats to you and all of the Prop's team.


Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Madhouse
Thanks mattias read the blog great works looking forward to test drive this bad boy

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by MattiasHG
jetpilot00 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I see Reason Rack is VST 3. Does that mean Reason 11 supports VST 3 now as well? I didn’t see any mention on the website.
Not in 11.0 but it's something we're looking at. Note that you can't run Reason Rack Plugin in Reason anyway, it's redundant and uses the same resources so it'd be a whole inception type deal. :)

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by antic604
What's in Reason 11 SUITE? There's a link at the bottom suggesting 16 new REs, but following it gives no info.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by MattiasHG
antic604 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
What's in Reason 11 SUITE? There's a link at the bottom suggesting 16 new REs, but following it gives no info.
Check out the FAQ further down on the page.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by tt_lab
antic604 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
What's in Reason 11 SUITE? There's a link at the bottom suggesting 16 new REs, but following it gives no info.
The extra devices that you get with suite are Scenic Hybrid Instrument, Complex-1 Modular Synth, Umpf Club Drums, Umpf Retro Beats, Reason Electric Bass, Reason Drum Kits, Processed Pianos, Layers Wave Edition, Layers, Parsec Spectral Synthesizer, Radical Keys, Polar Dual Pitch Shifter, Rotor Rotary Speaker, PolyStep Sequencer, Quad Note Generator, Drum Sequencer.
From the FAQ

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by antic604
MattiasHG wrote:
26 Aug 2019
antic604 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
What's in Reason 11 SUITE? There's a link at the bottom suggesting 16 new REs, but following it gives no info.
Check out the FAQ further down on the page.
Sorry, found it too! If I have some of them, will my upgrade price take that into account?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by MattiasHG
antic604 wrote:
26 Aug 2019
MattiasHG wrote:
26 Aug 2019

Check out the FAQ further down on the page.
Sorry, found it too! If I have some of them, will my upgrade price take that into account?
No, afraid not. There's no stepped discount. But the upgrade price is so low so if you don't own like 2 devices it's still a great deal (and you get Reason 11 too!) :)

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by diminished
Welp, that's one way to avoid improvements on the sequencer and audio editing capabilities. Crossfades and note mutes. Come ON.
You've given up on the DAW side of things, haven't you.

Nice move in regards to extending your customer base, terrible announcement for those who use Reason and Reason alone.

I'm sure somebody will say everything I've said in a much better way later on... but this update is diametrically opposed to everything I've hoped for.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Mr. Watts
diminished wrote:
26 Aug 2019
Welp, that's one way to avoid improvements on the sequencer and audio editing capabilities. Crossfades and note mutes. Come ON.
You've given up on the DAW side of things, haven't you.

Nice move in regards to extending your customer base, terrible announcement for those who use Reason and Reason alone.

I'm sure somebody will say everything I've said in a much better way later on... but this update is diametrically opposed to everything I've hoped for.
Agreed. Here’s to waiting another 2 years for a few more workflow enhancements that should have been added long ago.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by MattiasHG
diminished wrote:
26 Aug 2019
You've given up on the DAW side of things, haven't you.
Not at all! All workflow features are super highly requested and there are more of them than most full version upgrades we've ever done. Curved automation, crossfades, muting notes, new pen tool, increased vertical and individual zoom, visual feedback when playing in the piano roll and so on. This is definitely a commitment to Reason as a whole. Try 'em out, they're super useful!

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by electrofux
Good move, i think there wasnt any real arguments against the rack being a VST (well apart from people complaining that development time should have been used for their wishes). Woul have preffered seesion view in Reason but this might work aswell.

Can you give us any information if and how Remote might be part of the Plugin? I assume it is not part of the deal. But do the devices report all the remote items to the host to be automatable?

Whats behind the Settings Tab?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Steedus
Ahh when I saw the rack plugin announcement video (saw it first) I thought that would certainly mean a graphical (high-res) overhaul ... I guess not? .. though the buttons on Redrum's sequencer did look somewhat different to me ..

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by makke
So, still no midi chase or gpu accelerated 60fps high res graphics? We still have same 640x resolution with slow and laggy cpu accelerated 30fps? :?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by dan_g
so there it is. the anouncement everyone waited for

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by boingy
diminished wrote:
26 Aug 2019
.. but this update is diametrically opposed to everything I've hoped for.
For me it's genius. It would take PH forever to match the stuff that Studio One and Cubase do. But now they don't have to! I've been drifting away from using Reason recently and thinking that I may stay on R9.5 forever but if the plugin rack works as it should than I'll step away from the standalone Reason and be forever happy with the VST3 in another DAW.

I reckon they are going to sell a bucket load of R11s to new Reason users. :thumbs_up:

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by owlymane
MattiasHG wrote:
26 Aug 2019
I'm extremely happy and proud to announce Reason 11! It's quite a doozy, so check out the double videos and the website:

Here' the what's new page for additional info:
There's a lot I could personally say too, so here's a link to my blog post on Reason 11 where I do just that: ... ct-manager

Hope you like it! :)
Hey Matthias,

Great news for the week!

Regarding the "Draw Multiple Notes" functionality, I saw from the GIF on the website that you add and remove notes in one click. Correct? Is it the left click ?

Also, I really hope that at some point you add this tiny detail: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7512888

And regarding the zoom functionality, only vertical zoom has been improved? So the vertical zoom is expandable. Any improvements in the horizontal/usual zoom itself?

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Steedus
Also, so long Propellerhead - hello Reason Studios.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by diminished
boingy wrote:
26 Aug 2019
diminished wrote:
26 Aug 2019
.. but this update is diametrically opposed to everything I've hoped for.
For me it's genius. It would take PH forever to match the stuff that Studio One and Cubase do. But now they don't have to! I've been drifting away from using Reason recently and thinking that I may stay on R9.5 forever but if the plugin rack works as it should than I'll step away from the standalone Reason and be forever happy with the VST3 in another DAW.

I reckon they are going to sell a bucket load of R11s to new Reason users. :thumbs_up:
I bought Cubase 10 Pro during Steinberg's sale for exactly this worst case scenario.
I'll wait for Cubase 10.5, then activate my license, and use ReWire until Reason 12 is on sale.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by dezma
I'm a little underwhelmed.

No vst midi out nor vst midi plugin support?
No autosave
No sequencer folders
No updated browser/indexed samples

Suite having to pay full price is a middle finger to those including myself having paid several 100's for 4 or more instruments in the bundle, it's disrespectful to loyal customers.

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Ixus
I've been wanting to use Studio 1 more since I bought it a while back. Will be nice to be able to take Reason with me :)

Overall not bad think

Re: Announcing Reason 11

Posted: 26 Aug 2019
by Mr. Watts
MattiasHG wrote:
26 Aug 2019
diminished wrote:
26 Aug 2019
You've given up on the DAW side of things, haven't you.
and there are more of them than most full version upgrades we've ever done.
True. And while curved automation and crossfades are welcome additions, I’m sure a lot of Reason users were hoping for a little more in the way of improvents to the usefulness of Reason as a Daw. But once again that isn’t the focus of the upgrade, instead it’s the Reason rack being able to be used as a vst for users of other daws. Will we ever have an update that focuses on improving Reason for the people who actually use it? I was really excited for this update as I am with every Reason update. But I am also disappointed just like I was when Reason 10 was announced. The people who use Reason as their main daw have not been the point of interest for the last couple of updates, or so it seems anyway. I hope not to come across as offensive because that’s not what it is. But this is just how I feel about it and I’m sure there are many others who will love their new effect devices and the ability to use them in Ableton.