CEO's 2021 review

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21 Dec 2021

electricthing wrote:
21 Dec 2021
I think this CEO is the same as many CEO's. Did not build Reason up, comes from another background and seems to have an agenda like many have.
Let's insult the base of the customers. Bad negative move.
If I may say so....
You have to wonder if they have any knowledge of the DAW industry. I'm glad they don't have stingy licensing. I have Cubase that sits on one machine because I don't want to unplug a dongle to use it on another system. They are moving in the direction of using more than one machine.

A sub only DAW would be a failure. It may work for the "industry standard" because they were the "first DAW" and pro users need it to work with other clients.

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21 Dec 2021

I'm not sure how subscribers have become the saviours of Reason that we should all somehow thank?

I've been spending money year on year for 20 years and now my money isn't good enough and instead they want £99 per year instead of the hundreds I usually spend?

And just for a bit of clarity I got a few people who didn't own reason to try subscribing and the R12 launch and subsequent bug ridden failure caused everyone of them to cancel :thumbup:

And let's not forget this
IMG_2901.PNG (52.92 KiB) Viewed 5214 times
Which seems to have been completely forgotten about :lol:

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21 Dec 2021

I find myself quite angry at this statement too, I have to admit. I have no good alternative at the moment, but maybe using Reason as plug-in in Logic is something I need to explore more… 😡


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21 Dec 2021

guitfnky wrote:
21 Dec 2021
sonicbyte wrote:
21 Dec 2021
CEO posted

I'm too sensitive here, or does this part of his post is a bit harsh with perpetual license owners (like me)?

I had to read the blog because I was for sure that couldn’t have been what he actually, said, and yet it is…

yeah, that guy can fuck right off. he can thank all the perpetual users over the last 20 years for getting them to a point where they can offer R+ as a viable product. what an asshat.

and yes, it gives them a steady stream of income. cool. so did every filthy perpetual who faithfully upgraded every time there was a new release. tone deaf doesn’t even begin to cover it. fuck these guys.
Yeah, I read that and my first thought was "wow, what an ass."

Honestly an astonishing level of petulance from the chief executive of a company. It really comes off like Reason+ was his pet project and he's bitter that the core customer base didn't welcome it with open arms. Even though it sounds like it's been a financial success! A good business leader doesn't let ego enter into their communication, especially with customers.

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21 Dec 2021

I agree that the statement "I’ll wait right here while you perpetual owners thank your Reason+ subscriber friends, who made it possible for us to have a business model which allows us to continuously release improvements." stood out like a red flag to me too. I'm not 100% sure that their improvements have affected me all that much as a R12 perpetual license holder, and supporter of the software company for 20 years. I want them to stay focused on improvements with the DAW as well as stay in business, I LOVE Reason!

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21 Dec 2021

sonicbyte wrote:
21 Dec 2021
CEO posted

I'm too sensitive here, or does this part of his post is a bit harsh with perpetual license owners (like me)?
I’ll wait right here while you perpetual owners thank your Reason+ subscriber friends, who made it possible for us to have a business model which allows us to continuously release improvements.
Sounds like:
“We’ve been patient, but our patience is wearing thin.”


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21 Dec 2021

huggermugger wrote:
21 Dec 2021
an indication that they're currently on the defensive
I'm not sure there's evidence to support that particular claim. We don't know what was in his head, and for all we know R+ is a runaway sales success. He might have just then finished reading this forum and still been processing a very human reaction to the vitriol posted here. (Note: I am not a subscriber. Right now I am merely a perpetual R11 user. I have been putting off a decision until support for Apple silicon lands.)

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21 Dec 2021

If you follow Agevik's comments on twitter and such you'll see that he is light-hearted jokey guy that doesn't appear to take himself too seriously. I really don't think that comment was intended as an underhanded dig at perpetual users. To me it reads like a bit of friendly banter poking fun at the irony of perpetual users endlessly slagging off the "stupid R+ renters" when those people are actually the ones helping the company grow in today's modern service-based landscape. Some of you perpetual guys can often seem a bit like elite PC gamers that rip the piss out of the "console peasants" - As far as I can tell it's that type of mentality Niklas is making light of. :)

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21 Dec 2021

I take no offense at this and agree with Nick. Remember that RS has been and still tries to be a light-hearted company. I'd rather read a statement with some humour and heart to it than the endless 200% politically correct corporate droning any day. We have a societal problem these days where everyone seems to be offended by everything, which actually makes for a very bland society.

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21 Dec 2021

nickb523 wrote:
21 Dec 2021
If you follow Agevik's comments on twitter and such you'll see that he is light-hearted jokey guy that doesn't appear to take himself too seriously. I really don't think that comment was intended as an underhanded dig at perpetual users. To me it reads like a bit of friendly banter poking fun at the irony of perpetual users endlessly slagging off the "stupid R+ renters" when those people are actually the ones helping the company grow in today's modern service-based landscape. Some of you perpetual guys can often seem a bit like elite PC gamers that rip the piss out of the "console peasants" - As far as I can tell it's that type of mentality Niklas is making light of. :)
I get your point, but taking oneself not too seriously is one thing and making fun of long time customers is another story, especially after all those "excellent marketing decisions" during the last few months.

Plus, it's the internet where it's harder to notice jokes, sarcasm, etc.

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21 Dec 2021

I don’t think many (any?) perpetual license owners look down their noses at subscribers. if it works for them, great. seemed most of the backlash was in how inept they were at communicating the rollout.

if it was meant in jest—and I hope it was—it’s again, incredibly inept (sense the pattern?)…how dumb is it to put out a joking statement that can easily be read as an insult by people who don’t follow your social media presence?
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21 Dec 2021

nickb523 wrote:
21 Dec 2021
If you follow Agevik's comments on twitter and such you'll see that he is light-hearted jokey guy that doesn't appear to take himself too seriously. I really don't think that comment was intended as an underhanded dig at perpetual users. To me it reads like a bit of friendly banter poking fun at the irony of perpetual users endlessly slagging off the "stupid R+ renters" when those people are actually the ones helping the company grow in today's modern service-based landscape. Some of you perpetual guys can often seem a bit like elite PC gamers that rip the piss out of the "console peasants" - As far as I can tell it's that type of mentality Niklas is making light of. :)
That may well be the case but considering that Reason Studios created a two tier model in which long standing customers are being treated like second class citizens for wanting to own a product after investing in it for many years it's poorly thought out.

And it's quite frankly stupid to suggest that somehow a subscription service will enable better development and continuous improvements while the more expensive licensing hinders the ability for software development especially since the complete opposite has been achieved.

Look at the roadmap I'm not seeing the improvements nor have we seen "regular" delivery?

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21 Dec 2021

nickb523 wrote:
21 Dec 2021
If you follow Agevik's comments on twitter and such you'll see that he is light-hearted jokey guy that doesn't appear to take himself too seriously. I really don't think that comment was intended as an underhanded dig at perpetual users. To me it reads like a bit of friendly banter poking fun at the irony of perpetual users endlessly slagging off the "stupid R+ renters" when those people are actually the ones helping the company grow in today's modern service-based landscape. Some of you perpetual guys can often seem a bit like elite PC gamers that rip the piss out of the "console peasants" - As far as I can tell it's that type of mentality Niklas is making light of. :)
Nick, he's the CEO of a $10m business. One might expect the boss of a music company at that, to not be so tone bleedin' deaf! You'd think that'd be in the job description! Twenty years ago we'd have called what he's done "Doing a Ratner"! No-one's got hurt, but it's at best lame, and at worst it's damn incompetent.

Because this was a very carefully worded statement he has written or at least offically sanctioned with his photograph, directly aimed to Reason users and investors, not just the fawning fans and followers of social media. Looking at his phrase again in context, it really doesn't come across as a joke, it's negging. And note follows on directly from a serious discussion about technical internal improvements, with no exclamation mark or a even passive-aggressive winky to suggest a change of tone, which might have given one the benefit of the doubt. It comes across very straight.

So either he meant it, or someone sure overdid the egg nog at the Xmas party! And multiple people will have read this statement and approved it before posting..Which additionally means they all think it's funny to joke at the expense of perpetual license holders. People who still pay them actual money. It's not Monopoly paper. Jokes are fine, but read the fucking room first.

And frankly, I know what you mean about elite users, and I'm sure every one of us has been guilty of either that or some other form of moderatrix gatekeeping. However it's interesting he's effectively doing the Trump playbook here, divide and conquer, and I think you've fallen into his trap, because now the CEO has explicitly made the subject entirely partisan by using the term "a perpetual" as a collective noun for a segment of user, that's now being repeated in this thread, and so is now a thing (if it wasn't especially so before).

We're a either subscriber or a perpetual, not simply a Reason user. And additionally he's using the latter in a perjorative way: you perpetuals don't get all the toys! You perpetuals don't fund Reason development! Well, no. Fuck right off.

It's pretty shoddy with the typical gaslighting that he writes about how all the content they produce means people can't afford to buy them all outright, true enough, but as a means to justify subscriptions providing a method for those payers to have access to it all instantly, regardless of whether they need much of it at all. This however conveniently glosses over the fact the reason for the constant feeding of content, much of which is crud, or cheap, or half-arsed, is it's just bait to justify the subscriptions to keep people hooked and addicted. It's crack. It's heroin. It's FOMO.

Really, the entire method Agevik is describing here dissing non-R+ users is the "here's what you could have won" syndrome. Oooh, a speedboat! Yeah, that'd have come in handy on the council estates! Can't beat a bit o' bully!

I thank our two R+ subscriber friends if you made it possible for us to have a business model which allows them to release improvements! :lol:

Merry xmas! :mrgreen:

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21 Dec 2021

Thank you Jiggery Pokery, you worded my thoughts perfectly!

Now get out of my head! :lol:

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21 Dec 2021

JiggeryPokery wrote:
21 Dec 2021
We're a either subscriber or a perpetual, not simply a Reason user. And additionally he's using the latter in a perjorative way: you perpetuals don't get all the toys! You perpetuals don't fund Reason development! Well, no. Fuck right off.
I suspect it is only a matter of time before perpetual is relabeled legacy

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21 Dec 2021

For me, the CEO's sentence is brazen and also divisive...
But I don't want to get too upset at the end of the year :puf_smile:

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21 Dec 2021

How do we get our CEO upgraded?

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21 Dec 2021

I like to think he only meant certain perpetuals who write shit about the company everywhere they go as if they were being paid to do so.

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21 Dec 2021

Actually, it's very simple. The market is saturated.
No software developer can rely on new customers. So the best thing is to tie down the musician to a DAW/plugins
It's where the subscription plan rose up.

If you sign the pact with this devil you cannot step back, otherwise all your earlier projects won't load up.
This is so simple.

Pretty hard to choose from. But there are some ways you can proceed.
1. render all your tracks to wav
2. use freeware plugins (not the best idea when OS change)
3. use Reaper (the owner is multimillionaire after he'd sold winamp for 100 000 000 bucks)
4 use plugins which have long record of compatibility and reliability
5 use multiplatform software

It's time to deny that communist nonsense - YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND YOU'LL BE HAPPY. No you won't.
Last edited by ArcoZ on 21 Dec 2021, edited 2 times in total.

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21 Dec 2021

a CEO shouldn’t be denigrating their consumers, even in jest, period.
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21 Dec 2021

sonicbyte wrote:
21 Dec 2021
CEO posted

I'm too sensitive here, or does this part of his post is a bit harsh with perpetual license owners (like me)?
I’ll wait right here while you perpetual owners thank your Reason+ subscriber friends, who made it possible for us to have a business model which allows us to continuously release improvements.

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21 Dec 2021

“ I’ll wait right here while you perpetual owners thank your Reason+ subscriber friends, who made it possible for us to have a business model which allows us to continuously release improvements. ”

Is he saying that we who bought R12 upgrade and all the other upgrades before it starting at day one haven’t helped them continuously release improvements?? Aha!!! That’ll be why there’s still bugs in R12 that were reported years ago. That’s all going to change now right? Now that R+ subscribers are doing their bit to forward development. Thanks.
It’s a shame that the money we “perpetuals” have ploughed into our favourite company all these years didn’t help. Oh well. There you go.
Thanks again.
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21 Dec 2021

MrFigg wrote:
21 Dec 2021
“ I’ll wait right here while you perpetual owners thank your Reason+ subscriber friends, who made it possible for us to have a business model which allows us to continuously release improvements. ”

Is he saying that we who bought R12 upgrade and all the other upgrades before it starting at day one haven’t helped them continuously release improvements?? Aha!!! That’ll be why there’s still bugs in R12 that were reported years ago. That’s all going to change now right? Now that R+ subscribers are doing their bit to forward development. Thanks.
It’s a shame that the money we “perpetuals” have ploughed into our favourite company all these years didn’t help. Oh well. There you go.
Thanks again.
Shoot, if it didn't help at all.. I'll take my 4 grand back :lol:

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21 Dec 2021

I'll bet perpetual license holders who are also R+ subscribers are confused what to do. Should they thank themselves?
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21 Dec 2021

challism wrote:
21 Dec 2021
I'll bet perpetual license holders who are also R+ subscribers are confused what to do. Should they thank themselves?
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